Chapter 48

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Bailey's POV
2 months later

2 months has passed and Ryleigh finally got off punishment, she still kinda in trouble for what she did

Lexi has been coming over a lot lately, she mostly hang out with my mom and my sisters but I don't mind because I like seeing to the two people I love most making each other laugh

My dad usual goes in his study when Lexi comes over, and he doesn't ask about her, I don't know what happened between him and mom but he act real strange when he walks in on Lexi and I hanging out

It's prom season I told my parents that I'm taking Lexi, but they still don't know we're dating so they think I'm taking a friend to prom

My mom invited Lexi to go dress shopping with her, aunt Emily and Gabby

While I'm out picking out my tux with Uncle Ethan, Grant and Kendyll since Stella asked her to go prom, my dad was suppose to come but he has work

After we picked out our tuxes Uncle Ethan dropped off Kendyll at home while I stayed over to hang out with Grant

I'm sitting on his bed while he's playing fortnite as usual

I was playing a game on my phone but it died due to the fact I was too lazy to get my charger

I set down my phone and sat up to look at Grant whose solely focus on his game

"So how's you and Maggie doing?" I asked

"alright" he says plainly

"That's it alright?, nothing else?" I asked

"really cool, I guess" he says

"I thought you would be like excited, I mean your a party guy with prom and all coming " I say

"I was" he said

"what happened?" I asked

"Maggie signed me up to be prom king" he said

"I thought you have to be on council?" I asked

"You do, but Maggie is already on student council and I guess she has strings to get me there" he says

"Man I don't wanna be prom king, I don't wanna be remembered as prom king" he says

"Tell Maggie That" I say

"I can't" he says

"Why?" I asked

He stood up and looked at me giving up on his game

" because Bailey I'm not like you I can't butter up a speech to show how I'm feeling I'm not good with explaining or showing my emotions" he said

"I wasn't always" I say

"Bull!, Bailey that's real bullshit!, you always knew how to for as long as I could remembered" I say

"Grant, this society  we live in breeds us guys to never have feelings, but that doesn't mean that  we have to listen" I say

" all you have to do is let  your emotions talk if you let your brain do the talking it won't work you won't get your point across talk to Maggie tell her the truth" I say

"I should go, it's getting dark" I say grabbing my phone, keys and backpack

"See you tomorrow" I say before exiting his room and going downstairs

I said goodbye to my aunt and uncle before leaving



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