Today's the day, it is finally prom this morning I went jogging with Kendyll to calm some nerves
We walked in through the kitchen door to see the house already decorated
I saw Lexi helping my mom with food, I went over to say hi when Ryleigh stepped in front of me
"Don't you even think about it" she says
"What?, Why do you have a camera?" I asked
"I'm video taping everything and I want your reaction to her in her dress to be genuine so no talking or hanging out with her" she says
"Ry, it's prom I'm not getting married to her!" I say
"Not yet" she quietly sung before sending me a wink
"Go shower, your sweating and it's not attractive" she says shooing me away
I took a look at Lexi
"No looking at her either!" She says
"Fine" I sighed before turning around to go upstairs
After my shower I walked into my room to see my tux hanging on my closet door. I first style my hair and once I was i put on my tuxedo and shoes
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After one long look in the mirror, I walk out of my room and downstairs to see people walking in
Everyone applaud me, I saw my grandma (my dad's mom), uncle jack and uncle Johnson with his wife my aunt Sara
My mom's best friend, my godmother Jamie
"You look so handsome" my grandma says as I gave her a hug
"Thank you" I say
"You got a date?" My uncle jack asked
But before I could answer my mom did "he's taking his friend" she says
Thank goodness Kendyll came downstairs before uncle jack asked another question in her tux
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bringing all the attention to her while I snuck off so everyone asked her questions instead of me
I go outside to see my dad putting up the prom of 2019 banner up
"You need some help?" I asked
"Yeah" he says
I walked over and held the banner as my dad taped in down
"Actually Bailey I wanted to talk to you" he says
"About what?" I asked
"I wanted to say sorry about the comments I said about Lexi, how she is gonna make your mother feel worst actually I was quite wrong she has made your mom feel so much better" he says
"It's okay" I say taping down my side of the banner
"B, I see the way you look at her, it's the same way I look at your mom" he says
"We're just friends dad" I lied
Then Ryleigh comes running out "Lexi coming!" She says grabbing my arm and pulling over to where we are gonna take pictures
"Stand right here and don't turn around until I tell you to" Ryleigh says
"Ok" I say
For the first couple minutes I took some pictures with family members and Kendyll then I heard everyone cheering louder
I was going to turn around but Ryleigh told me not to, so I waited then Ryleigh gave me the signal
I turn to see Lexi standing right behind me
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I was frozen, she looked absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. I quickly snapped out of my dazed and helped her walk down the steps to where I was
I took some photos with Lexi and Kendyll and some other people until a limo arrived and someone opened door and comes out....
••••• Part 1 done
Sorry this chapter took too long I know I completely missed prom Season