Chapter 22

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Grant's POV

I stood by my locker waiting for bailey since our lockers are next to each other but he doesn't come and the bell just rung

Even though I mostly rip jokes during class it's better then being late, teachers get butt hurt if your late to class

So I cut through the courtyard to have a better change of getting there on time when I feel a tap on my shoulder

I turn around to see Maggie

"Hey Babe" I say giving her a hug and kissing her forehead

"Hey" she smiled

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked

"Sure" I stopped walking and faced her

"Does Bailey have a girlfriend?" She asked

I was taken back by her question, i gave her a confused look before answering her question

"Um No" I say

"How do you know?" She asked

"I mean we're best friends and cousins, he tells me everything and so do I" I say

"Okay" she nods

"Wait, Maggie why do you ask?" I asked

"It's probably nothing" she says

"Maggie just tell me" I say

"Okay well I saw Bailey making out with a girl in the parking lot" she says

"Wait what?" I chuckled

"Well who is she?" I asked

"I don't know, I didn't see her face but it was definitely bailey" she says

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm fine" I nod

"Okay um I gotta go I'll see you during lunch" she says giving me kiss

"Yeah see you later" I say walking the opposite direction

I'm not mad bailey has a girlfriend, I'm upset that he didn't tell me and I don't mean to get mushy or anything but I'm closer to him than I am with my siblings and I'm a triplet

That's probably why he's been acting so weird lately

I finally arrived at my first to see bailey already sitting at his seat, I walk in and sat down in mine

"Your Late!" The teacher scolded me

"Yeah whatever" I say

Bailey tapped me and I turn around to look at him

"Where were you?, I was looking for you" he asked

"Just walking around" I shrugged lying to him, we don't ever usual lie to each other

He chuckled and I turned back around to face the front as the teacher starts teaching the class


remember to follow me on ig: lovabledolann


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