Chapter 35

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Bailey's POV

We showed up at the talent show 45 minutes ago and it already started I'm in the back trying to stay calm while the other acts practice their routine

"Kendyll, Where's Ryleigh?" I asked

"I don't know, she's not texting back" she says

I sighed panicking while having a million things rush through my mind

"Bailey, calm down!" Kendyll says

"I don't know if I can do this, Kendyll" I say

"Yes, you can and you'll rock it just breathe" she reassured me

I stopped pacing and closed my eyes, I took a deep breath in and out

"There you go" Kendyll says

"Bailey!" Ryleigh calls me as she walks to me

"Ryleigh, where have you been!?" I asked

"I'm so sorry that I'm late, things didn't go the way I planned!" She says giving me a hug

I look at her outfit, she was wearing a red dress with black heels

"Bailey, there's two more acts to go and then it's your turn" Kendyll says

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"Bailey, there's two more acts to go and then it's your turn" Kendyll says

"You'll be fine, And you'll do great" Ryleigh says

I nodded

As the act that was about to go on was getting ready, I took a peek from the curtain, the first two people I was Grant and Maggie who was also sitting next to Gabby and Gabe

I then saw my parents with uncle jack sitting next to them "what's mom and dad doing here?" I asked

"I said things wasn't going as plan, I needed a ride here" Ryleigh says

"I could of I got you" I say

"No, that would put way too much stress on you, plus they were gonna find out what we were up to anyways" she shrugged

I continuing looking out at the crowd when I saw Lexi, wow she actually showed and she looks so beautiful

But sitting next to her was Bruce "What's Bruce doing here?" I asked

"What?" Ryleigh said taking a look too "I don't know Lexi must have invited him too" Ryleigh

I step away from the curtain as the current act gets on stage


It's finally my turn Kendyll and Ryleigh wished me luck before Kendyll went and sat next to uncle jack

"Give it up for Ryleigh Dolan Playing The Piano And Bailey Dolan Singing!" The MC said into the microphone

As Ryleigh and I walked on stage the MC left stage, everyone clapped and cheered as we went into our positions

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