Chapter 14

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Bailey's POV

Waking up I feel oddly amazing I'm excited to go to school which is weird because it's high school

I got dressed and everything and met my family downstairs for breakfast, I think they were kinda taken off-guard how good mood I was in

After breakfast I kissed and hugged my mom bye before catching the bus, then the next stop as usual Grant gets on and sit next to me

"Where's Maggie?" I asked

"She's sick" he says

"Yeah, I heard something was going around" I say

It was like a normal day. Stella, Grant and Me chatting about the stupid little shit, it was kinda sad that Lexi isn't here, she still doesn't feel well


Same from yesterday I felt pretty good waking up in the morning and same as breakfast, I hugged my mom goodbye before getting on the bus

Then Grant gets on, he tells me Maggie is still sick and once we got to school we noticed Stella isn't here either, she must have gotten sick too


Today I felt a little drowsy than usual but that was because I was up at 3 in the morning talking to Lexi on the phone

Other then that breakfast was good as usual, kissed my mom goodbye as left to get on the bus

The bus stopped at Grant's stop, I noticed it was just Gabby here, I stopped as she got on the bus

"Where's Grant?" I asked

"He's sick" She says

Today was a little lonely since Stella and Grant was out sick, i don't remember the last time I ate lunch by myself but I kinda felt like a freshman


I got outta bed hella exhausted from talking to Lexi last night but I pushed myself out of bed

I got dressed and went downstairs to see Ryleigh, her face was red and puffy and she was hugging a roll of tissue, she sat by the kitchen while everyone else sat at the kitchen table

"Wow everyone is getting sick" I say

"Yeah, it's the season" Kendyll says

I kissed and hugged my mom and told Ryleigh I hoped she got better before leaving to the bus

The bust stopped at the next stop, Gabby didn't get on, she must be sick too

There wasn't a lot of people on the bus but the driver still went to every single stop before going to the school

Once again I am walking and eating lunch by myself

After school I already did my homework and bored of what I'm going do, I decided to call Lexi it rang the whole time and she didn't pick up

I let it go and didn't try to recall her, didn't want her moms to answer the call


I woke up and seriously smiled because it's Friday, I got dressed and went downstairs to see Ryleigh and Kendyll sitting by the island eating chicken noodle soup

"Wow Kendyll, you moved to the sick side?" I asked

Kendyll chuckled even though she felt like crap "your a nerd" Ryleigh said, I ignored her as I sat down to eat breakfast with my mom and dad at the kitchen table

After breakfast I told my sisters I hoped my felt better and I kissed my mom goodbye

My bus was really early and when I got on the bus it was only two people on it, not a lot of people was on the bus but the driver still went to every single stop

And once again I was completely lonely in first through six period including lunch, I have to sit by myself again

But now it's like 4pm and I'm bored on a friday night and most of everyone I know is sick while I'm sitting in my room

Then my phone ringed and it was Lexi calling, I answered

"Hey" She says

"Hey" I smiled

"How do you feel?" I asked

"A lot better than I did a couple days ago" she says

An idea popped into my head and without thinking it twice

"You don't have any plans tonight?" I asked

"No why?" She asked

"There's this party and I wonder if you wanted to go with me?" I asked

"Yeah I think I know what party your talking about" she says

"So do you wanna go?" I asked

"Yeah, I'll pick you in a couple minutes" she says

"Alright, I'll see you in a couple minutes then" I say

"Ok, bye" she says

"Bye" I say as she hung up


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