It's finally the day. The talent show is tonight and I'm really fucking nervous, Ryleigh says everything will be fine and not to worry
Which makes me worry even more, like what if I forget a lyric or Lexi doesn't even show, I'm really stressing myself out
Breakfast was a little rushed since my mom had a few errands to run before going to her doctors appointment reminding me I have to pick up the girls later
Uncle Jack even ate breakfast with us before leaving with my mom, and once breakfast was done I said bye before going to my car before I drove straight to school
I went to pick up Grant, I texted him telling I'm here, a minute later he walks out the side door and walked to my truck before getting in and putting on his seatbelt
"Where's Maggie?" I asked
"She's not riding with us" he says clearly bothered
"What you mean?" I asked
"It's nothing dude" he shrugged it off
"Grant, you can't lie to me" I say
He sighed "Maggie and I got into a argument, she thinks I'm cheating on her" he says
"I'm not on any sides, G but I'm going tell you the truth and it something you need to consider" I say
"Ok" he nods
"I've known you since forever, and Maggie is your first real girlfriend, all those other girls before that you've either just talking to them or you hooked up them" I say
"You might act like you don't notice it but you have a reputation at our schools when it comes to girls, I know you love Maggie and you'll never do anything to harm or hurt her but I don't blame Maggie for being a little suspicious" I say
"Thanks B" he says
"No Problem" I say
"Now, let's get this day over with so you can win back your girl" he smirked
I chuckled before starting my car and driving towards school
First and Second period went by quick and it was pretty fun thanks to Grant making his jokes as usual
Then I had to go to third period, I dreaded this badly but when I got there Lexi wasn't there, my guess she's skipping the class again I wonder why doesn't come anymore Art is her favorite thing in the world so why skip it
In art class some kids did their presentations of the portraits of their partners did, and it's only a couple of kids left who haven't did theirs presentations including me only because Lexi hasn't been here
After Art Class I went lunch, as I walking down I saw Lexi and Bruce making out again but I ignored and went straight to my lunch table where Grant and Maggie already sat
I'm guessing they made up, I sat down across from them "Hey B" Grant says
"Sup" I say
"Grant, told me about the talent show tonight, you nervous?" Maggie asked
"No, I'm freaking the fuck out" I say truthfully
"Stop worrying B, you got this!" Grant says
"Yeah, and Grant and I will be in audience cheering you on" Maggie says
"thanks guys" I smile
After Lunch was done and fourth, fifth and sixth period was done I said bye to Grant and Maggie as they got on the bus while I went to my truck
I saw Lexi cuddled up next Bruce while he was too busy talking to his friends than to a knowledge her
I fixed my gaze before Lexi catches me, I got in my truck and started it, I buckled my seatbelt before driving out the schools parking lot
I drove towards the twins school and I got there, Kendyll got in the front seat, Ryleigh was no where to be seen
"Where's Ryleigh?" I asked
"She just left" she says
"What do you mean she just left and with who?" I asked
"She needed to pick a few things for the talent show and she was growing inpatient for you, so she took a lyft" Kendyll says
"She said she'll meet us at home" she says
I nodded but not really agreeing with Ryleigh methods
And I drove home, when I first got home I relaxed, did my homework and ate a snack
Then when an hour or so went by, I took a shower and washed my hair, when I was done I blow dried my hair and styled it
I got dressed in the tux Ryleigh picked out for me
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when I was done getting dressed I walked downstairs where Kendyll was already waiting, she was wearing a black turtle neck dress with black boots
"Nice" she nodded
"You ready to go?" She asked
"Where's Ryleigh?" I asked
"She isn't here-" Kendyll says
"She still isn't here!?" I asked
"No, but she texted and said she'll meet us at the school" she says
I nodded just agreeing with her
"You ready?" I asked grabbing my keys
"Yep" She says grabbing her bag before we walked out the door and locking it behind us
We got in my truck and buckled our seatbelt and I started it
I drove out the parking lot and towards my school
I plan for this to be in one chapter but now I see it will be too long so the rest of talent show will be in the next chapter