Chapter 33

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Bailey's POV

I got no sleep because I was painting all night but there's no time for whining it's the last day I have to practice for the talent show, then tomorrow afternoon it begins and it's way pass too late to back out now

I checked my phone as I got dressed for today, I see I have one missed call from Lexi, I fully put on my shirt before clicking her contact and putting it on speaker to her it ring over and over again until she didn't answer I hung up the phone before it left her a voicemail, I set my phone on bed as I continued getting dressed

I tied my shoes and grabbed my backpack that already had my keys inside, I got my phone before going downstairs

I went into the kitchen where my family was already eating breakfast

"Morning" my mom says

"Morning" I sighed sitting in my seat and I started eating my pancakes "where's uncle jack?" I asked

"He went out to pick something up" my dad answered

"Oh bailey, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow . Can you up the twins from school tomorrow ?" My mom asked

I look over my sisters, kendyll rolled her eyes "yes, ma'am" I say as I continue eating my breakfast

after breakfast was done though I was still eating my dad and the twins already left, hugging my mom and I goodbye

Once I finished my breakfast, my mom took my plate to wash it while I bput my backpack on my back "hey honey, you okay?" My mom asked me

"Yeah" I say plainly

"You sure?, it's just lately been acting different" she says

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say before kissing her forehead and hugged her goodbye before getting into my truck and going to school


First and Second hour flew pass and I'm walking to the third hour when I see Lexi at her locker she was wearing the same skirt she was wearing when we went to that party

I was admiring her from afar when Bruce walked up from her grabbing her ass, Lexi turned around and punched his chest before turning back to her locker, he walks beside her and licks her ear, she squealed with disgust and pushes him away she wipe her face off, I squeeze my fist while biting the inside of my cheek when he whispers something in her ear, she closed her late locker and faced him before grabbing his hand and walking away

I walked away the opposite way, I felt my heart break all over again


After third hour which Lexi skipped again, I was walking towards the cafeteria when Grant catches up to me

"Hey, what's with the glum face?" He asked

"I don't know if I can keep doing this" I say

"What?" He asked

"Pretending I'm okay" I say

"Listen B, first Bruce knows you like her, the way he touch her is over exaggerated just to get you mad and second by tomorrow night she'll be yours" he says tapping my shoulder

"thanks man" I say

"For what?" He asked

"keeping me calm" I say

"If you fighting, I'm fighting, we're family" he says as we walked into the cafeteria



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