We arrived at prom about a half a hour and everyone's having fun
Bailey dancing with his girl, Stella and Kendyll are bouncing around the dance floor, gabby's dancing with her friends even gabe found a guy to dance with
And me? I'm sitting at our table, watching all my friends have the time of their life's while I sit back and keeping an eye on Maggie's purse
Who is by the way no where to be seen, all she told me was she had something to check and she just left
She probably went to make sure I get prom king, I know I told bailey I'll talk to her about it and I really tried but she kept cutting me off and changing the topic
Look at me!, I was voted most likely to be the life of the party and I'm sitting here watching all my friends have fun
Like what am I doing?, I am Grant Benedict Dolan! I don't let anyone kill my mood so why I am starting now?
I stood up and noticed a girl standing near the corner on the other side of the building
I recognize her so I walked over to her
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"Hey" I say
"Hi" she says
"Your Grant?" She asked
"Yeah, your uh Jane right?" I asked
"Yeah I um didn't know you knew my name" she says
"Why wouldn't i know your name?" I asked
"You know people like you don't really know people like me" she says
"That's nonsense Jane" I say
"Yeah forget I said anything" she says
"Um are you having fun?" I asked
"Other than the fact my date stood me up, yeah I'm a good time" she nods
"Oh I'm sorry" I say
"You have nothing to apologize for" she says
"Okay um do you wanna dance?" I asked
"Oh um I wouldn't wanna take you away from Maggie she's probably looking for you or something" she says
"Actually in way I got stood up too" I say
"Oh I'm sorry" she says
"Come on" I put out my hand
"What?" She asked
"Let's dance!" I say
"I don't" she trailed
"Don't tell me you don't dance" I say
"I can't" she says
"Prom is not about knowing how to dance it's about having fun" I say
"Look at everyone" I say
"No one is hitting the right moves" I say
"Not even the cheer captains?" She asked
"Definitely not erica" I say making her laugh
"Dance with me?" I asked with my hand out
"Okay" she smiled taking my hand
I smiled as I walked out on the dance floor with her
I went by where Bailey and Lexi were dancing
I turn to her and started dancing she laughs at my dance moves
"don't leave me hanging" I say stilling dancing
"people are gonna stare at me" she says
I stopped dancing
"just look me and dance, focus on me" I say as started to dance again
"okay" she says starting to dance
She started dancing slow and picked up her pace her we continue dancing
Her smile became wider and wider
Then the song as cut off making her stop dancing and new song started playing
all of me by John legend
"I don't know to slow dance" she says
"It's okay, I'll teach you" I say
"You put your hand on my shoulders" I say
She put her hands on my shoulders
"I'm gonna put my hands on your waist" I say
She nods
I put my hands on her waist
"I'm gonna pull you closer" I say
"okay" she says
I pull her slightly closer to me
"Now we're gonna slowly step side to side, I'll lead you" I say
She nods
We started slow dancing and a minute into it, she move herself closer and rest her chin on my shoulder
the song is almost over and I'm still slow dancing with Jane when I feel someone pull me away, I turn around to see Maggie
"What the hell are you doing?!" Maggie yelled
"Dancing!" I say
"Why are you dancing with her?" Maggie asked pointing at Jane
"Maybe because my girlfriend was no where to be seen!" I say
"I told you I was coming right back!" She says
"Maggie that was an hour ago!, listen this is my senior prom too!, and I'm not gonna waste it waiting around for you!" I say
"For me?, I was trying to make sure you win prom king like you wanted!" She says
"No!, like you wanted!" I say
"What?" She asked
"I don't wanna be remembered as prom king!, Maggie I've been trying to tell you the pass 4 weeks!" I say
"But we talked about it" she says
"No you talk about it, I was playing fornite " I say
"We was suppose to win prom king and queen, and move to New York together, I'll be a preschool teacher and you'll be car salesman and when our high school reunion comes around everyone will be jealous of us" she says with tears rolling from her eyes
"Wow, Bailey was right about you" I say
"Let's get some punch Jane" I say taking her hand walking away towards the snack table
Sorry I haven't update in a while
I have new book; the lost salvatore check that out if you want to
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