As you suspect first and second hour wasn't very fun, since Grant wasn't here but it wasn't half bad
I spent my time doing what I do best, drawing Lexi in my notebook while pretending I'm taking notes
When third hour came I got to art really early then I normally do, I stood in the front of the class with Ms. Tennessee as everyone walks in
I see Lexi walk in with a canvas in her hand while mine was sitting up on the easel with the cover still on
"Hey" She says to me
"Hey" I say
"Is this yours?" She asked
"Yeah" I say
"But we've never" she says before I cut her off
"I know your face by heart" I say
Causing her to blush
"Hello Ms. Parker, good to see you" Ms. Tennessee says
"Hi" she says awkwardly
I take her canvas and set it up on the easel for her, we stood next to our paintings as classroom started to filled with our classmates
As the last bell rang and Ms. Tennessee calmed down the classroom
"Now Bailey and Lexi is going to start their presentation, and your going to be quiet and respectful" she says
Lexi and I looked at each other on who should go first "ladies first" I say causing her to smile
She walked over and took off the cover to show her portrait of me
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"I painted Bailey Dolan, and despite us growing up together. I learned a lot of new things about him" Lexi says
"Like Number 1, Bailey is very artistic even he doesn't like to admit it" she says
"Number 2, Bailey's mom taught him how to fight" she says causing some people to laugh at me
"Stop!" Ms. Tennessee says
"Yeah, your laughing now but back when his mom and my mom was in high school, his mom broke my mom's nose" she says causing me to laugh
"Um Number 3, Bailey is very protective. He will do anything to protect the people he love" she says
"Number 4, Bailey can sing even though he doesn't like to admit it" she says
"And Number 5, Bailey prefers nighttime over daytime, because nighttime is less stressful than the daytime" she says
Everyone applauded including me
"Okay, that's was very nice Lexi and your painting is wonderful, Bailey it's your turn" Ms. Tennessee says
I removed the cover from my painting
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"I painted Alexandrea Parker" I say
"Number 1, Lexi likes to put cinnamon oatmeal on her toast" I say
"Number 2, Lexi has a music box, it was a gifted from her grandparents and it plays rock-a-bye-baby, Lexi plays every night before she goes to bed" I say
"Number 3, When Lexi and I was in 6th grade, Lexi broke her pinky on the monkey bars and never told her moms and til this day they still don't know" I say causing Lexi to laugh
"Number 4, Lexi's first kiss was when we was going into 7th grade, and her moms threw a Labor Day BBQ while all of us kids was in the basement playing truth or dare, Lexi was dared to do seven minutes in heaven with her neighbor, Zachary. Lexi said that his breath smelt like garlic" I say
"And Number 5, Lexi has a tattoo of three star on the bottom of her back" I say
Everyone once again applauded me
"Bailey-" Ms Tennessee says before I stopped her
"oh shoot!" I say
"What?, What's Wrong Bailey?" Ms Tennessee says
"I've tried to keep it a secret but the guilt was eating me a alive" I say with no emotion
"What Guilt?" Ms. Tennessee asked
"I cheated" I say truthfully
"How?" She asked
"I was suppose to learn 5 new things about Lexi, and all the 5 things I listed I already knew, I know her I didn't need to learn anything new" I say
"Bailey, your painting is beautiful and for facts I suppose I'll allow them since they all seem to be true, take a seat" she says
I went to sit down in my assign seat and Lexi sat next to me even though her seat was on the other side of the room
Ms. Tennessee took paintings off the easel "whose next?" She asked to the crowd of students