Chapter 29

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Bailey's POV

I went downstairs into the dining room for dinner to see Ryleigh and My dad setting the table while my mom was making our plates

"Hey Bailey?" My mom says

"Yeah?" I say

"Can you tell your Kendyll that's dinners ready?" She asked

"Yeah, is she in here room?" I asked

"I think so" my mom says

I went back upstairs and walked to Kendyll's room, I'm by her door and I can the music blasting from the inside

I knocked her door "Kendyll!" I say

No responses

"Kendyll!" I say again knocking a little harder still no response the music was way too loud for her to hear me

I opened the door "Kendyll, dinners-" I say before my jaw dropped causing me to stop in the middle of my sentence

"AHH!" I screamed


I know it's a short chapter it's just a filler

haha  cliffhanger 😄

comment what you happened???

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