Chapter 17

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Bailey's POV

The weekend was awesome even though I spent my weekend being sick, but I'm feeling better now

I can't stop thinking of Lexi, I don't know if it's because we slept together or it's my brain playing tricks on me

The morning was back to normal, my family and I ate breakfast and at the end my sisters went to wait for my dad in his car

As I was getting ready to walk to the bus stop my dad stopped me

"Hey bailey" he says

"Yeah?" I say

"You gonna take the bus?" He asked

"Yeah, dad I take the bus everyday" I say

"Why don't you take your truck" he says

"I don't have a...." I trailed

"Dad" I say

He smiled holding the keys

"No!, Are Kidding Me?" I asked

"All yours" he says putting the keys in my hand

I pulled him into a hug and he hugged back "Alright, Bailey you don't wanna be late" my mom says

My dad and I pulled away from our hug, I kissed my mom on her cheek before walking outside to see my new silver ford truck

I hopped in and put my backpack in the passenger seat, I started up the car and smoothly drove out of the driveway and down the street


I arrived at school and drive into the parking lot, I parked in the first empty spot I saw

I turned off my car, putting the key in my backpack before getting out I locked my doors

I closed the door to turn around to see I parked next to Lexi

"Nice ride Dolan" she says

"Thanks Parker" I say making her smile

I start to run to catch up to Grant "hey" I say tapping his shoulder

"Bro!" He says

"Why weren't you on the bus?" He asked

"I got a ride" I say

"With who?" He asked

"Me" I say holding up my keys

"You got a car!?" He asked

"Yep" I say

"Can I take it for a spin?" He asked

"No" I say

"Why not?" He asked

"There's a reason why your parents haven't gave you a car" I say

"That's low" he says

"Anyways you fought Bruce Sowenski and won!?" He asked laughing at the last part

"Keep your voice down!" I say hushing him

"There's no hushing me, that video of you twisting his arm is everywhere on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook" he says

"Bro you gotta tell me what happened!" He says

" Will you keep your voice down if I tell you?" I asked

"Yes!" He says

"So I'm at the party and I go upstairs and I see Bruce Sowenski, putting his hand up Lexi's skirt and-" I say before Grant cuts me off

"Wait!, Lexi was there?" He asked

"Yeah" I say

"Did you two go there together?" He asked

"What?, No!" I say lying

"Bro, your lying to me" he says

"No I'm not" I say lying again

"Our mom's we're pregnant with us at the same time, I can tell when your lying" he says

"Okay, first I'm a year and a half older than you and second I didn't go with Lexi to the party" I say lying again with the second part

"Okay" he nodded suspiciously

"Why are you nodding your head like that?" I asked

"I'm not" he says doing it again

"Yes you are, you did it again" I say

"I don't know what your talking about" he says doing it again as he walks away from me

I give up and followed him to first period



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