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I woke up to Tyler and Josh banging on Gerard's door, Gerard unwrapped his arms from me even though we weren't dating it was sort of comforting.  

"DAD!" Tyler yelled and then I looked at Gerard before darting towards the door.  I yanked the door open and Tyler looked panicked.

"What is it, baby?" I asked out of habit from talking to my dog, which is dead now for all I know. 

"The dead people they are at the door and the window broke and now the door is being weird and w- Were gonna die" He stumbled at the last part and burst into tears.

"Have some composure Ty, now both of you sit on this bed and don't move unless it is an emergency we will be right back" I said and we ran to get the others up.  

We got up Patrick and Brendon first and told them to go sit on Gerard's bed with Tyler and Josh.  We got up Mikey and Ray and rushed to pack some food and stuff then went back into Gerard's room were all the kids where crying and locked the door. 

"Remember use killjoy names at all times, we are going to have to hold you Tyler and Josh because your legs will slow us down, Brendon and Patrick hold Mikey and Ray's hands and follow our lead and most importantly stay quiet at all times" Gerard instructed before quietly opening his window.  

"Also Brendon and Patrick" Gerard handed them guns and told them how to use them.  I had my gun in my back pocket and Tyler was sitting on my hip and my bag was filled and hanging from the opposite side Tyler was on.  

"Can I call you dad out there?" He whispered. I nodded yes and he closed his eyes with fear when Gerard signaled it was time to go. 

Tyler buried his fragile head into my shoulder and started crying, it broke my heart.  Gerard and Josh were the first to go out and I could see that Josh was crying as well.  Then me and Tyler next was Ray and Brendon and last Patrick and Mikey.

We ran all the way through the woods and all stopped in shock when we saw a open field that led to a highway.  The problem was that field was full of the dead.

"There has to be another way" Gerard mumbled. 

"You and I both know this is the only way out besides the school and that is probably even worse" Mikey responded holding tightly onto Patrick's hand as fear took over the younger boys face.

"We could b-line it, have our guns out the whole time" Ray suggested and Brendon gulped looking at the big field entirely laced with the dead.  

"But these kids" Gerard added making Tyler sob harder.

"I want Joshy" Tyler whispered into my ear through little sobs. 

"He wants Josh" I told Gerard. 

"We don't have time for that right now, we have to b-line it when I say go and as soon as we make it to that green suv than Tyler and Josh can hug and kiss and do whatever all they want"  Gerard agreed to Ray's plan. 

"GO" Gerard said and I pulled my gun out and bolted with Tyler.  We all made it to the Green suv safely and thankfully the keys were left inside so no hot wiring needed.  Me, Tyler and Josh sat in the back back seat.  Ray, Patrick and Brendon in the front back seat and Mikey and Gerard in the front front seats.  

Tyler was leaning his head on Josh while he was crying and Josh was trying his best to comfort him, Tyler cries a lot and so does Josh but it is adorable when they comfort each other so that is okay, I guess.  I noticed that Josh kissed Tyler's forehead.

"Aww" I said under my breath and Tyler looked up at me and smiled for the first time today.  

"Kiss" I chanted quietly over and over again.

"Tyler, I wanna kiss you" Josh finally said. 

"I wanna kiss you too" Tyler replied and the made intense eye contact.  A second later my sons lips where on Gerard's sons lips and they were kissing each other.  

"Okay now boys, if you go any farther than kissing use protection" I warned and Tyler was still leaning on Josh and Josh looked up at me and nodded.  

"Did they just kiss?" Gerard asked from the front seat. 

"It was adorable too" I responded earning the attention from everybody.  I motioned for them to turn back around and they followed.  Tyler and Josh just kept staring at each other I wonder if that is what it felt like to be in love.  I thought about Gerard's lips on mine for a second and thought about his words I'm about as straight as a circle  I know I am Bi for a fact and I think that I might have a little crush on Gerard. Okay, I lied maybe a huge crush on Gerard.

Maybe even............in love...........with Gerard.

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