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We kept walking down the hallway I could hear the soft echo of the dead's groaning from almost 20 minutes away now.  It's amazing how tunnels can make you hear almost anything well for us not the dead coming for us because if they break down that door and get to us fast enough we are all just going to be food.  I don't want any of my 6 children to be food or Gerard either.  I would sacrifice myself any day for any of them. 

"You look lost in thought?" Gerard pretty much asked and I nodded.  He put his arm around me we had Tyler, Josh and Brendon hold their sisters so me and Gerard could shoot as needed.  Patrick, that poor kid couldn't stop crying over Elisa's death but when stuff like that happens in this world you have to move on fast or you are dead.  Don't get me wrong I miss Jamia and Lyn-Z and everyone with all my heart but I don't have time to mope around about it.  I have to support six kids in a world full of dangers. 

"Dad, Cherry is heavy now and my arms are burning" Tyler said and I frowned at him.

"Let me get her then baby, but if something happens I am going to have to give her back to you real quick so I can shoot" I said and he nodded before handing me one of my twins.  Gerard looked down at Cherry and smiled. 

"That's our baby girl" Gerard said and stroked her little cheek.  

"She is and we also have two other baby girl's and three little beautiful boys" I smiled at my kids from over there. 

"Dad, i'm scared" It was the one and only Brendon Urie of course he is the most high maitnence kid ever but it is cool because I love him.

"Don't be scared baby, it's going to be over soon I promise" I assured and he nodded and looked down to Bandit who he was holding. 

A silent ten minutes has past and we finally got to a large door.  I gave Cherry back to Tyler and got my gun out.

"All of the kids I need you to back up and don't come out until the adults say it's cool, got me?" Pete said.

"Got you" They said in unison execpt for the babies of course. 

We pushed them back and Me, Mikey, Gerard, Ray, Pete all the adults besides Kristin because she does not need that kind of stress.  Pete swung it open and we all pointed our guns around.

"Clear" He nodded and the kids came out. 

"Or is it Peter?" The lead guy Joseph i'm assuming said.

"Get against the wall kids" Gerard instructed pulling everyone back against the wall and stepping forward. 

"Gerard nice to see you, did Raymond here tell you our ideas and beliefs?" Jonah said and Pete snarled stepping back and protectively spreading his arms around all the kids.

"We won't hurt the kids Peter, we only want Kristin and Gerard to be the leader" He took a step torwards Gerard and I stepped in front of Gerard and pushed him back.  He tried to step back in front of Gerard but I swung my gun up and pointed it at his head.

"DON'T MOVE" I snarled. 

"Frank you see this is not a bright idea killing me just makes more of a chance for the girl to get killed" I stood still almost like a statue not moving and my face heating up with anger.

Nobody was going to get near Gee like that unless it was me or someone else from our group.  He threw his hands up and Gerard was still silent behind me.

"Put your gun on the ground right now" I ordered and when he didn't I used my free hand and snatched it from him and threw it on the ground. 

"Take off those filthy white clothes" I added and he did it hesitantly.

"Frank don't do this" Gerard said from behind me.

"Why not Gee, he's killed so many people he deserves to die" I growled I wanted to cry but Jamia was dead because of him if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. 

"Fran-" Gerard said.

"TURN YOUR HEAD!" I yelled at the kids almost snapping and the turned around.

"Frankie" Gerard tried but I had my finger on the trigger ready to pull it. 

"He killed lyn-Z Gerard, he killed Elisa do you want me to keep the list going?" I asked.  The man was now crying and praying but I just wanted him to shut up.

"Baby, please" I sighed and dropped my gun down.  I kicked mud all over the guys white clothes on purpose before taking a step back into Gerard's arms sobbing now.  What has gotten into me? 

Both me and Gerard forgot about the gun laying on the ground as I cried into his arms.  But I turned my head and saw his gun pointing at Kristin.

"GEE!" I yelled but everything seemed like it was in slow motion.  Mikey jumped right in front of Kristin and took the bullet it hit him in the side.

"KILL HIM KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER FRANKIE MAKE HIM SUFFER.... MIKEY!!!!!!!!!!" Gerard yelled and ran over to Mikey.  I held my gun up and shot the guy multiple times in the chest and then Jonah started firing I heard a loud scream come from Tyler and looked over to see Josh shot but it was only in the shoulder. 

I angrily through tears tried to shoot Jonah but missed and he hit me in the arm.  I felt numb but before I could think he ran off into the woods.  I stood up and ran over to Josh who was screaming and crying.

"Shh...Josh" I said and ripped my shirt off.  I took his off too and inspected his wound which was not fatal thank god.  The bullet had just went through his muscle right above his collarbone and it exited out the back and that was good. 

"Joshy, this is going to hurt a lot a lot but I need Tyler to hold your shirt over it and clamp it really really really tightly so it stops bleeding" I said and Josh shook his head no.

"I can't do this right now Josh or i'll bleed out, do you want Kristin to do it since she is a girl and girls are nice?" I asked.  He nodded.

"KRISTIN HELP!" I yelled and she ran over here.

"Hold Josh's shirt over his wound so it stops bleeding why I make mine stop" I said but then I took a moment to realize that the bullet was still in my arm.  She grabbed Josh's shirt and put pressure on it.

"FUCK!" I yelled and threw my gun on the ground and Pete looked up at me and rushed over.

"It's in my arm, the bullet" I said.

"I need you to be still because this is going to hurt like hell" He said and then grabbed a pair of gloves from his bag.

"The bullet is not that far in there because it was slowed down by your bullet so I am going to reach my finger in there and pull it out and immeadiatley after I need you to put your shirt on it" He instructed.  I nodded and clenched my teeth he did it really fast after he was done I clamped my shirt over it.  

I ran back over to Josh and sat down beside him.  I wasn't paying attention to Lily, Cherry and Bandit screaming until now but right now Brendon had them so it was fine.  Kristin nodded at me because Josh's wound had stopped bleeding and Josh laid down on my lap and cried why Tyler laid on the other side of my lap gently cuddled with Josh trying his best to make him feel better.

After a minute Gerard came over to me and sighed.

"Mikey is going to be fine, how are you and Josh?" Gerard asked and I smiled.

"We are doing fine both of our gunshots are not fatal thank god but we need to get moving Gee" I advised.

"Jonah is still out there" I added.

"That's probably a good idea let me talk to Pete i'll be right back baby" Gerard said and gave me a small peck on the lips.  He was so hot he made every inch of my stomache have butterflies when he even moved.

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