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We have been out on the road walking for over 7 hours now but Gerard insists that we keep moving despite the kid's constant complaint about it being too hot and their legs hurting.  My legs are aching badly as well and my wrist feels like I have been shot their like 15 times.  

"Gee, baby we should take a break and rest and maybe eat" I suggested.  He looked at me and nodded no.  

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because the farther away we are the less of a chance they are going to find us" I sighed at his reply and we kept moving.  

I have no idea how Gerard was not bored out of his mind because walking for seven almost eight hours straight was not ideal.  I spotted an abandoned house in the woods and a glint of hope rose inside me. 

"Gee, can we stay there for the night?" I asked.  He looked at me and nodded no again, I was starting to get pissed off.  I could hear Mikey panting from the heat and Tyler, Josh, Brendon and Patrick were all barley moving.  


"FINE HAVE YOUR FUCKING BREAK" He growled and then smacked me across the face.

"i-im...sorry..i-" he started to apologize but I cut him off in tears.  

"Don't talk to me and stay away from my kids" I grabbed Brendon, Josh and Tyler and we sat down in the shade.  Tyler was crying again and so was Josh.  Brendon stared at me in disbelief.

"Dad, are you okay?" Brendon asked.  I continued grabbing lunch out of the bag.  

"I'm fine." I lied trying to stop myself from crying.  Brendon gave me a big hug and Gerard went and sat with Mikey under the next tree over.  Brendon ran his hand over my cheek which was now forming a bruise. 

"I'm going to kill him" Brendon growled now in tears.  

"Baby, it's okay just leave him alone" I assured.  He looked at me with sad but angry eyes all at once.  

"No, it's not okay, HE JUST SLAPPED YOU" Brendon said anger welling up and taking control over the sadness in his honey brown eyes. 

"Brendon, please" I looked at him and burst into tears I tried to convince him that I was fine but it was hard considering the person I thought loved me just slapped me.  I saw Gerard get up to come over here.

"Ignore him unless I say other wise" I commanded to my children.  They all nodded and I turned to face Gerard. 

"Baby, i'm sorry" He said I could see the sadness welling up in his eyes.  

"Don't call me that" I spat back.

"Please" He pleaded.

"Why? Gerard, you just fucking SLAPPED ME!" I yelled. 

"What about the kids?" He asked and a stray tear went down his face.  

"I can handle them" I responded not being able to look him in the eyes anymore. 

"Frankie, I was mad and sad Ray died and I took it out on you and I'm sorry...........I had no right to do that to you" Gerard pleaded.  

"Your right you had no right to do that to me so get away from me and my kids" I told him.  He tried to walk over to the kids but I stood in front of him and blocked his way.  He hesitantly started to stutter but then managed.

"Frankie, I love you" He said looking down at his feet I looked back at him full on crying and pulled him into a hug which he gladly accepted.  

He leaned down and connected our lips together which I gladly kissed back.  

"Will you forgive me?" He asked staring down at me our noses touching together.

"I'll think about it" I giggled and connected our lips together once again.  I bit my lip and stepped back.  Tyler and Josh were now smiling and Mikey came over and joined us under our tree.  We all ate lunch together and I ended up on Gerard's lap facing Gerard somehow.  

"GET A ROOM!" Mikey giggled throwing a wrapper at us.  I smiled and leaned into Gerard's shoulder.  He kissed my head and I closed my eyes breathing in his scent.  He smelled like honey cough drops and leather, I loved it.  

"Listen if we walk for another 30 minutes there is this old house, Me and Mikey's old house, if we go there than we will all have rooms, Mikey would have a room, Patrick would have a room, Brendon would have a room, Tyler and Josh could share a room and me and Frankie could share a room" Gerard said.  We all nodded happy about having our own rooms.  

We packed up and headed down the road the 30 minutes came shortly and we gladly made it. 

This house was the definition of huge.

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