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"Frank, you might have to sleep with me in my bed for tonight" Gerard stated and I smiled up at the red haired boy.

"K." I responded going back to playing jenga with Mikey. Mikey was almost like a child and I didn't blame him for that, when you got a older brother ready to kill anyone who even harms you the slightest bit what is the point of acting mature?

Mikey knocked over the Jenga tower and I shot up with pure joy. I threw my hands in the air and did a victory dance.

Mikey started giggling and playfully punched me in the arm after I sat back down.

"How old are you frank?" Ray asked from his silence.

"16." I mumbled.

"I'm 20 buddy." He responded.

"I'm 20 as well" Gerard added.

"I'm 17, Frankie" Mikey said playfully.

"Teenagers scare the living shit out of me" He said under his breath nodding towards me and Mikey.

"Young adults with leather jackets, skinny jeans, belts and bright red hair scare the living shit out of me" I shot back causing Ray and Mikey to have a laughing fit but Gerard looked as if he was trying not to laugh but instead flipped me off.

"Another rule of the club that we forgot to tell you, in less were out looking for people we use our gang names" Gerard said. I nodded still helping Mikey clean up the game we just played together.

"Tomorrow we need to go back to the school and see if there are any others, we found the lucky boy by the creek which you have yet to bandaged up Gerard. There might still be a few other, unlucky, bitten survivors" Ray said. Gerard nodded in agreeance.

"Come with me, Frankie" Gerard said and I sort of blushed at the nickname but continued to follow him to what I was assuming was his room.

He motioned for me to sit down on a chair and I did as I was told.  He came back over with a medical kit, burn spray and some other stuff that I do not know the name of.

"After I am finished would you like to get in the shower?" Gerard asked.  I nodded in response and clinched my teeth together when he pulled up my sleeves to my red and grey long sleeved shirt.  

"Micheal, get in here and hold his hand this is going to feel nice" He directed the last part at me and Mikey came rushing in sitting beside me and grabbed my hand softly. 

I looked up at Gerard who was concentrated and then Mikey whispered these exact words to me. "You do what you got to do to me because when Gee says it's going to hurt that means it's going to hurt" I closed my eyes softly then I felt a small bit of pain followed by a whole ton on the wrist opposite to the hand that Mikey was holding.

I squeezed Mikey's hand really tightly choking back tears.  I squeezed m eyes closed and pushed my head into his bony, lanky shoulder covered by the blue and orange skeleton shirt.  

"Almost done." Gerard mumbled. 

I felt a pinch of release then slowly brought my head up from Mikey's shoulder. 

"Take your shirt off" Gerard instructed.

"What!?" I said surprised by his sudden instructions.

"I need to check for injuries, take your shirt off" He reiterated. 

I looked at him for a split second before nodding and taking my shirt off which he threw on the floor out of pure carelessness.  

"Okay now stand up" He added and Mikey stood up with me still holding my hand.  He put his cold hand on my torso and slowly spun me around.  I gasped at the sudden cold touch but allowed him to do it anyways.

"Good, now take your pants off" He added.  I scoffed in disbelief.  

"What!?" he exclaimed. 

"I'll make good oh Mikey here take his shirt and pants off if that makes you more comfortable" He mumbled.

"How do I know your not going to rape me" I shot back and he gave me a reassuring look.  I mean this guy was hot but he does not know me and I do not know him.

"Fine, I will just have to trust you are not bitten, frankie" Gerard said.  

"Fine with me" I replied. 

He threw me a pair of clothes and pointed me to the shower.  

"Don't have too much fun in there" Gerard winked and I walked into the bathroom closing the door and locking it behind me. 

I started the water and then undressed.  I grabbed a clean rag from the counter and got in.  Gerard really expected me to get undressed, I don't even know his last name.  But damn, a guy is hot.  His red hair contrasted so well with his hazel eyes that it was uncanny.  But besides that point, I don't even remember my point anymore.  I got lost in thought about his lips and everything beautiful about him which was everything.

Once I was finished washing the blood and stuff off I got out.  I got dressed in Gerard's clothes which were really big on me considering I was 5'6 and he was like 5'9.  I walked out and everyone went silent from their conversation.

"What?" I asked.

"Gee has a secret" Mikey said and Gerard clamped his hand over Mikey's mouth.  I shrugged it off and sat on the couch beside Ray.

"Go make dinner" Gerard commanded towards me and Mikey.

We both got up and started on dinner cooking through it all silently only hearing bits of Ray and Gerard's conversation. 

When we were finished we went and gave everybody their plates and we all ate in a awkward silence.  Once we were finished Gerard said goodnight and motioned for me to follow him.  I got up from my chair silently and followed him to his room.  

"Okay, I'll stay on this side of the bed and you stay on that side" He said and we both crawled in awkwardly and got under the covers.  

I was a kid again my parents were giving me my birthday cake on halloween because that is my birthday. 

"Happy Birthday, bab-" my mom was cut off by a bomb just like at the school and I saw her go everywhere.

I shot up quickly pulling my knees to my chest and starting sobbing.  Gerard sat up too but in a more confused way. 

"Frankie, what's wrong?" He asked a put his hand on my shoulder.

"M-m....mom" I said through violent tears, Gerard started rubbing my back softly and I leaned my head on his shoulder like I did with Mikey earlier today.

"Shh...it'll be okay" He reassured.  He stopped rubbing my back for a second and wrapped his arms around me.  He gently pulled me down onto his chest with his arms around me and we laid there.  My sobs became more muffled as we slowly fell back asleep with me in his beautiful arms. 

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