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"Ow, Patrick that kick hurt a lot more than the others" Elisa said putting her hand over her stomach and letting out a grunt.

"Sorry, do you want something to eat or drink?" Patrick replied looking up at her with a worried look.

"Yeah something to eat would be nice" Elisa responded going back to what she was doing.  I was holding Cherry while Gerard was holding Lily and feeding her.  

Meanwhile Kristin has been in labor for almost 5 hours now.  I continued to bounce cherry as she slowly fell asleep. 

I visibly sighed and you could see the lack of sleep in my eyes.  My life have consisted of the same routine for the past week. Wake up at three am, Listen to Tyler, Josh and Brendon fight, Eat/feed children, Listen to whiny children, go to sleep at 2am. 

I sighed at my daughter who was still asleep and looked over at Kristin who was very close to having her and Mikey's baby pop out.  Her labor was way shorter's than Jamia's.  

"The heads out!" Lyn-Z yelled from across the baby store.  Then a few seconds later I heard the all to familiar sound of a baby crying.

"IT'S A GIRL!" Lyn-Z added and I looked over to see Kristin was alive and holding her and Mikey's baby.  I wish Jamia was here to hold her babies.  

"Rowan way" Mikey said just loud enough for me and Gee to hear.  

"OW!" Elisa yelled and held her stomach.  Her water broke all over the floor and Lyn-Z rushed over to her before holding her own stomach and grunting.  

A few minutes later Lyn-Z's water had broke and we were all sitting around Kristin, Lyn-Z and Elisa.  Rowan was quite the adorable kid she looked like Mikey in the facial area but looked like Kristin in the nose, eyes and mouth.  

We were all just sitting and doing normal things for around 15 hours and then Elisa managed to get her and Patrick's kid out while Lyn-Z was almost there.  They named their boy Declan and Declan look just like Patrick in every way possible. 

Minutes later came little Bandit who looked like both Gerard and Lyn-Z she was very cute.  

I decided I was going to bed a few minutes after Bandit was born and went and put Lily and Cherry in their crib, I grabbed my guitar that I had gotten from the music store close to here on a adult and other children that are older and don't need baby food supply run.  

Best Friends ForeverBest Friends ForeverBest Friends Forever But Not Nowwe've always beenBest Friends ForeverBest Friends ForeverBest Friends Forever But Not NowI dunno what I did or what I said that made you cryI wish that I could take all of the pain from youreyes'Cause things just don't seem rightWhen you're not by my sideBest Friends ForeverBest friends foreverBest Friends Forever But Not NowWe've always beenSuch Best Friends ForeverBest Friends ForeverBest Friends Forever but not nowBest Friends ForeverBest Friends ForeverBest Friends Forever But Not NowWe've always been suchBest friends ForeverBest Friends ForeverBest Friends Forever But Not NowThings just don't feel rightWhen your not by my sideThis world just seems to big for meWhen your not by my sideI need you around

I sung and played for them before curling up on me and Gee's cot all alone but maybe I could get some sleep, I never get to sleep anymore.  

"Dad, I'm scared can I sleep with you?" Brendon asked and I nodded scooting over a bit and he curled up against me.

"Why didn't you ask to sleep with Dallon?" I whispered quietly.

"Because I am really scared and dad's are better for that" Brendon replied.  I nodded again wrapping my arms around my son, my beautiful son.  I soon fell asleep and when I woke up I saw that Gerard was barley on the cot and heard a scream.

I shot up and looked outside to see Lyn-Z on the street? I quickly got up and went outside.

"Frank...go away" She said and held her shoulder which was dripping blood.  Gerard ran outside then and looked at me confused.

"Lyn-Z why are you bleeding?" I asked.  She nodded no.

"Please when Bandit is older let her know that I loved her and that no matter what she is my baby girl" Lyn-Z said tears dripping down her face.

"Lyn-Z what are you talking about you are going to be here when she is older?" Gerard asked.

"No Gee, i'm not they....t-they bit me" She revealed her arm to find a big chunk of bleeding flesh missing.

"N-No" Gerard choked back tears.

"Just...j-just let me say goodbye to...t-to.....B-Bandit then you....you can....s-shoot me" Lyn-Z managed.

"Your not going to die, there has to be a way" Gerard managed, I was frozen as I was in any situation like this.  

"Gerard stop just let me say goodbye to her...p-please" Lyn-Z pleaded and Gerard nodded sadly not trying to stop tears now.  

He led her inside where Brendon was sitting up and he almost screamed.  She stood over Bandit and a little drop of blood fell onto her sleeping cheek.  She looked up at Lyn-Z in awe not realizing what was happening.  

"I love you, B please remember that" Lyn-Z wiped the drop of blood with her thumb and it smeared across her cheek.  

Lyn-Z then pulled out a gun and pointed it to her head before anyone  could even move she pulled the trigger and blood splattered everywhere and Bandit started screaming so did Lily and Cherry and every kid that was in here. 

"Tyler, Josh, Brendon come here now" I ran up to them and gave them instructions to cover there eyes as Gerard painfully dragged Lyn-Z out of the door. 

I was trying to comfort Gerard, Bandit, Tyler, Josh, Brendon, Lily and Cherry at the same time even though I was a crying mess.  I was a 16 year old with 6 kids what more could I do.  

Today was the best day of some people's lifes and the worst for others.

Jamia and Lyn-Z are dead and now I am trapped.

Trapped, that is the one word to describe this world.


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