K17 "Maybe"

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Aish seriously! Are they making this on purpose? I want to see that book already, it's making me curious how that fvckın book is so fvckın similar to most happening of my life.

I just finished reading my script for tomorrow. And based from it, Kai will be my ex on the movie. See, that's what I am saying. So all of this was just accidental? They are so good at choosing people to act for the role.

Well, what's my problem by the way? Kai and I is in good terms after we broke up so there won't be no problem. It's just making me curious of that book. I'll buy that soon and read it.

Evening is done, another day of shooting.

After doing all my morning rituals I went outside, got on my car and drove to the set.

In the middle of driving. I heard my phone rang inside my bag. Since there are only few cars I don't have to stop to get it. I answered the call, it's my manager Sang-eun unnie.

"Hey unnie, why did you call? I'm on my way now?"

"O sorry, can you go back, are you near the place already?" She asked

"I'm halfway now, why? Why do I need to go back? Does the shoot canceled?" I asked back

"Ahm no, sorry but can you go to Lisa's place. She called her manager a while ago, her car got a problem" She said

"So? I don't know how to fix car." I said with a little sarcasm

"Tss Jennie, that's not what I mean" she said and I bet she rolled her eyes while saying that. "What I mean is, can you go fetch her? Because her manager can't because Mr. Kwon ask him to do something important" she added

"I know what you mean unnie" I said still with sarcasm on my voice "Don't she have another car to use or can't she just take a cab or something" I refuse.

"Tsk, do you think that would be convenient to her?"

"Well yes, maybe" I answered

"Tssskk, why did I chose to call you by the way. We should have just accepted Jinny's offer to fetch Lisa right away" she said sounding annoyed

"Jinny?" I asked

"Yes, she voluntered to fetch Lisa after hearing that Lisa's car has a problem" she

"Why is she there?" I asked again. Why is she on set? O I forgot we'll shoot weekends today too. So they'll have a scene again. She's so early huh..tsk...

"She's part of the movie duh'" unnie with as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "Tsk.. okay bye, go here now. I'll just ask Jinny again to fetch Lisa. Take care" she said in a hurry.

"We---wait! I'm on my way now" I said in a hurry too and turn my car wheel.

"Huh?" She asked

"I said I'm on my way now"

"I know, just get in here" she said not getting what I mean.

KREPTOON  (The Deal)  Jenlisa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now