K26 "Hidden"

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We don't have shoot today and I don't know the reason why.

Sang-eun unnie called me a while ago asking me to go here at Lee's Company.

Artist and other staff that I met on the way greeted me and I greeted back as well.

I went to Sang-eun unnie's office but she isn't there.

I've been calling her since I arrived here but her line is busy.

Hmm I wonder who is she talking to right now?

I have decided to just go on her unit here in the Company.

I mentioned back then that artist here may have their own room here in company right? So as Sang-eun unnie.

Without knocking I went inside her unit since I have a spare pass.

But I saw no one.

I called her name but no response.

I roam around and there I saw a glass of coffee and a food on her small table.

So she's here.

I called her name once more but I didn't get a response again.

And just to inform you. Sang-eun unnie's unit is wide. Since Mr. Kwon also live here. It is like their second home.

Aish! She asked me to go here without telling me why and know she's playing hide and seek.

I walk around and saw something that got my attention.

Why do they have that?

"Oh Jennie! You're early" she stated as if surprised.

I'm still looking at the thing that got me confused. Why do they have footage of that?

"Unnie-----" I was about to question but she immediately went to her laptop and close it.

"You should have inform me that you're already here" she said so fast coming towards me.

"I have called you several times unnie but your line is busy" she looked at her phone and I kinda look at it as well and saw something again that somehow confuses me. "Oh so you were talking to Yoon-gi oppa a while ago, that's why" I said with a smirk.

She stood their frozen which got me more confused. What's up with her. She looks uneasy. "Hey unnie, what's with the reaction? I don't think there is something bad if you and Yoon-gi oppa has a thing" and by that she sighed. Relieved I guess? Then she laughed.

KREPTOON  (The Deal)  Jenlisa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now