Life Span

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(Not sure what to call this, fluff? We'll go with fluff (* ^ *) look I made a face! These things, up there ☝️, are going to save my life, honestly)

Lance POV

In this world, your lifespan ranges to who ever falls in love with you. If you fall in love with someone, then they get part of your soul. The same goes for you if they fall for you. Once you’ve fallen in love a certain amount of times, or hard enough that it take a big part of your soul, your soul will run out. When that happens, you get to die. Well, not ‘get to’ more like, a peaceful death with the one you love. According to the government, there are only two immortal people. One who refuses to fall in love, and that other that has had multiple people fall for them. I’m one of those people.

I’m not a monster, it’s not like I force them to fall in love with me, it just sorta happens. Today is the day that I get to met the other immortal, I couldn’t imagine never falling in love with someone, that takes a lot of heart and dedication. But no matter, I’m finally going to met them, and I’ll see why no one will fall in love with them.

I heard a knock on my door, signalling that the cab was here to drive me to Main House. Main House is where all of the souls are calculated. They keep track of all the people who fall in love and those who have someone in love with them. This was how the government knows about me and the other one.

Before running out the door, I slide into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. While biting into it, I went over to the front door and pressed my wrist onto the scanner. It started beeping, showing me my heart rate and then showed me my life span. Today three people are in love with me, and it showed me that I currently have no one that I’m in love with. I took another bite of my apple and walked out the door.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the limosin in front of my house. I was told that it was a cab, guess they wanted to treat an immortal man better. The driver opened the door for me and I slid in after thanking him. The ride was going to take a while, considering that Main House was three states away. I laid down in the long seat and started playing on my phone.

My mind began to wander about what the other person looked like. Were they a boy? A girl? They/them? Where they blonde? Did they have a good sense of style? If they never fell in love with anyone why would they bother living? It seems like a lonely life if you think about it. If I were them, falling in love with a bunch of people would be a lot more fun than just sitting around your home all alone.

I’ve lived for a while now. Yeah, I’ve fallen in love before, but so many people think that I’m their one true love. I couldn’t return their love, so my soul level, that’s what I like to call it, kept going up. I’ve buried a lot of family members over the past years. So many great, great, nephews and nieces.

A ding snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked down at my phone and saw a message from my friend Hunk. I smiled as I read through the message and sent a quick reply back. Hunk has been my friend for a while now. He and his wife have been together for 20 years now, isn’t it great? When you think you’re ready, or if you think you’ve found that special someone to spend the rest of your life with, you can go Main House and tell them a certain date you wish your soul to end. Hunk and his wife, Shay, both agreed to die at 40 years from the day they went to Main House.

I would think that it would be scary. Knowing that your death will be in ten years. Knowing that your time is running out because you're forcing it to. I shook my head away from the thought and continued to text Hunk. After multiple texts and many different positions on the chair, we arrived at Main House.

The driver walked around and opened the door for me. I nodded to him and walked up the stairs to the front doors. Main House is always open and always busy. Today was no exception. Lines were crossing each other all over the place leading to various problem solving windows. I continued straight to the farthest door from me. On it was the words ‘staff only’.

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