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(Fluff, mention of molestation)

Lance's POV

"Ha, ha, ha, ha! You have to wear a dress! Ha, ha, ha, ha,!"

I held my stomach and pointed at Keith. This was going to be great! Not only does Keith get humiliated in front of everyone, but... well yeah, that's pretty much it.

There's this planet that we need to have on our side, but they said we have to get rid of someone first. Apparently, the guy's been kidnapping black haired girls and... Do I really need to say it? As I said, he goes after black haired girls, and since Keith's the only one with black hair, other than Shiro, we have to use him as bait.

But there's something weird about Keith. He didn't say anything against the idea of him dressing up as a girl. It was Pidge and the princess who left with Keith to get him ready. The rest of us had to wear suits to the formal event. The party is to celebrate Voltron, that's what the people think it is. In reality, it's a trap to lure in the bad guy!

"Lance, could you help me out here?"

I turned to Hunk to see him struggling to tie his tie. I walked over with a small smile and tied it for him and patted him on the shoulder when I was done. He mumbled a 'thanks' as the door opened. Pidge and Allura walked in with giant smiles on their faces.

Pidge was dressed in a suit like the rest of us. Allura, looking as beautiful as ever, wore a white and silver dress that went up to her knees. The dress was strapless and her hair was up in a bun. I smirked and bowed to the princess, "Looking beautiful as always, princess."

Allura rolled her eyes and turned to the back of the room, "Keith, do you need help with that?"

"Yes, please. Sorry."

I stood back up, ready to laugh my ass off at the image of Keith in a dress. But I couldn't do anything. His hair was slightly curled at the ends, a red bow clipping part of his hair away from his face. The dress he wore was crimson red and fit his body perfectly. The way the dress flowed down to the floor and curved his hips was breathtaking. The top had an inch of strap to hold the dress up, and he had matching elbow high gloves to go with everything. To top everything off, Allura was helping Keith put on a black choker with a red stone dangling from the middle.

"There! Try it out, Keith!" Allura stepped away from Keith.

"Hello! My name is Kathrine!"

Holy shit! His voice was just like a girl! Pidge jumped up and down and squealed, screaming how excited she was that it worked. While the others congratulated Pidge I couldn't say anything. I could only stare at how beautiful Keith looked in the dress. I trailed my eyes up and down his body, you couldn't even tell that Keith was a guy!

"Hello? Space to Lance!"

I snapped back to reality and found that everyone was looking at me. I blushed and asked what was wrong and the party in front of me laughed.

"Careful, Lance! Your gay side is showing!" Pidge jokes.

I rolled my eyes but they still landed on Keith. Or Kathrine, as he called himself. The moment we made eye contact I felt myself blush and I turned away.

"Now then! We're almost to the landing site, and Kei- Kathrine will need someone to be her date. So, any volunteers?" Allura asked.

"I'll do it."

"Wait, what?"

Everyone had their eyes on me and I covered my mouth. I didn't mean to say that out loud! It was supposed to be wishful thinking! Allura was clapping her hands while Pidge jumped up and down. Hunk slung his arm around me and gave me a thumbs up. I went to protest but looked back at Keith first. A blush stained his cheeks as he was talking to Shiro. I felt myself smile slightly.

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