Obsession Part 2

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(Smut, but it does get completed)

They hadn't even finished their first lap yet when Lotor came up next to Lance. After the whole, 'stay away from Keith', thing, the last person that Lance wanted to see was Lotor. The walking loreal commercial speed up to pass Lance, but not before Lance could brush passed him. The race was on as the boys ran passed everyone with flying colors, one brushing passed the other only for a second. By the time they were halfway done Lotor finally spoke.

"You really think Keith would like someone like you? Look at him."

Lance turned his head and saw Keith coming down the steps of the bleachers and to the water. A soft smile formed on his face, enough that anyone could have noticed it.

"That hottie belongs to me. Anyone that looks like Keith belongs with anyone other than you."

Lance growled, "Is that all you see him as? A piece of ass for you to use?"

The boys slowed down as they reached the water, Keith had already left and was sitting back down on the bleachers, "What else is he good for?"

Something squishy hit Lance's hand. He didn't know what it was, but looking down his hand was in a fist and Lotor was on the ground. What had happened registered into Lance's brain, and it felt good. He, Lance McClain, punched someone. Lance is known for never getting into a fight with anyone, at all, throughout his whole life. But today was different for him. Lotor crossed the line way to far. Keith was more than eye candy, he was smart, talented, the whole package. Keith being beautiful was just extra icing on the cake.

Lance smiled down at Lotor, clenching his hands in fists again and lunging down to Lotor's level. Lance straddled Lotor's hips to pin him to the grass and threw one punch after the other. Lotor landed a few hits but nothing compared to Lance. The coach's whistle blew in their ears, causing a ringing to echo in them.

"Boys! That's enough!"

Lance couldn't hear him, all he could see and feel was Lotor's nose breaking and his teeth caving in. So much work would have to be done in order for Lotor to look relatively normal ever again. His face looked so swollen, so disfigured that no one would no who this guy was. Lance felt a pair of hands on his shoulders and he wiped around to see who it was.

"Lance, please stop!"

Those eyes. That perfect voice that needs to be protected at all costs sounded so scared. Lance's hands loosened, the weight of what happened sunk in, and Lance smiled wider.

"McClain! Get off of Lotor this instant!"

Lance stood up and brushed himself off. He understood why almost every guy in his grade fights, it's a rush.

"Keith, do you mind taking McClain away from here till he calms down?"


Today was getting better and better. First Keith get's to do a project with Lance, now he's taking care of him! Keith kept his face neutral while taking Lance to the bleachers next to his stuff. Keith pushed his bag away from Lance, praying quietly that Lance wouldn't notice the shirt in the bag. A sigh escaped both of the boys lips while they watched Lotor be walked off the field with the help of two people.

"What a baby," Keith said.

Lance smiled and nodded his head, "That's what he gets for making fun of you."

Keith felt his cheeks heat up. He couldn't of heard Lance right. Lance was someone to never get into fights, ever! And even if he did there was no way that he would've wasted it on defending Keith.

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