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(Smut, floof)

The lights were all off, the music was way to loud, and everyone was wasted. There was no reason to have a party other than Lance being able to have one. His parents were going to be gone for a week and his siblings were at their grandparents house, so Lance was home alone. Lance smiled to himself and walked over to his bestfriends, Hunk and Pidge, who were over by the snack table.

“Hey, guys! How’s the party?”

Hunk turned over his shoulder and smiled at the Cuban, “It’s great Lance! You really went all out this time, didn’t you?”

Lance chuckled and brought a hand to his head, “Well, it’s me. What else do you expect?”

Pidge just rolled her eyes and stuffed another chip in her mouth, “You know, not everyone is enjoying themselves, Lance.”

“What are you talking about? Everyone’s having a great time!”

“Not everyone,” Pidge pointed over to the corner of her friends home to a boy sitting in the corner.

“Oh shit.”

Lance’s heart sank. That hair was to special to belong to just anyone. The boy that he’s been dreaming about for most of his high school life was at one of his parties. That boy never went to parties!

The last thing that Lance wanted to hear was that someone wasn’t enjoying themselves at one of his parties. Everyone has a good time at his parties, everyone. Sure, there were a few times where students would complain about the music choices or how there wasn’t enough or to much beer, but nonetheless the parties are always great. But to have his crush be here at his party and not have fun? The world was about to burn.

With a deep breath Lance adjusted the buttons on his shirt and turned to his crushes spot on the floor. The point of a party was to have fun, and Lance was going to make sure that Keith had the time of his life.


“I told you, Shiro, I’m not going.”

Shiro slumped in his younger brothers desk chair and groaned, “Common, Keith, you need to get out of the house. Besides, it’s Lance McClain's party.”

Keith turned a light pink but shook his head, “It doesn’t matter whose party it is, I’m not going. Going to school is enough contact with the outside world for me.”

Shiro sighed and walked over to his brother’s side. The bed bounced slightly at Shiro’s weight, and Keith took the chance to fall back and face his ceiling. This isn’t the first time that Shiro has wanted him to go out to a party. In fact, this the fourth time this month. Every week, doesn’t matter if it’s about a party or not, Shiro will try to get Keith out of the house. Was it his brother's goal to torcher him?

“Common, lil’ bro, you need to get out. Your gay ass needs to find a gay man.”


Keith playfully shoved Shiro and curled into a ball. It’s known through the school that the Kogane/Shirogane brothers are the gayest of gay that can be gay. It’s also known that Shiro and Adam are the number one couple in the school. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're the only gay couple, nope, not at all. With a long sigh Shiro stood up from the bed and crossed the room to look out the window. Keith internally groaned, there’s a long speech coming.

“Listen, Keith, I know that you know that I know that you don’t like people. But that’s untrue! If you want to get together with Lance then you need to go out and try and win his heart. If you go to this party then there’s a chance that you’ll get to talk to him.”

KLANCE!!! one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now