Pride Planet

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(Warning: This is really gay and might upset some, probably all, of you. Just read till the end and all shall be well!)

It was today that the team found out that Alteans were homophobic. Today was, yet again, another recruitment day for the collision. Going planet to planet and meeting more people than they could keep track of, well it takes a lot out of you. But when you’re told that the next planet is filled with “un-natural beings of pride” you get a little excited.

The ship couldn’t go any slower as it landed, and Shiro reached a hand out in front of Keith to stop him from running out. Being the only fully gay boys in a ship with homophobic aliens that could kill you with a simple snap is forever nerveracking, but this was a whole planet that’s basically an all year pride month, so it makes everything better.

The ground was hard with no grass in sight. It was a nice off white with random prider’s drawings on it. You could see some more being made as well. It was the sky that took everyone's breath away, however. It glowed every pride color known to man. It was gay, it was bi, it was trans, it was demi, it was lith, non-binary, aro, poly, you fucking name it! Looking around you would see a normal living life style, minus everyone smiling and holding hands with the person they loved. Some people wore their flag while others wore matching outfits with their special someone. There was a school, some bars, food markets, clothing stores, a normal little planet. The best part was that heterosexuals weren’t hiding away either, showing off just as much pride as everyone else was. It seemed like the planet didn’t have a main gender or sexuality. You were you!

A bright young girl with a pansexual t-shirt and long, bright yellow pants ran up to the group with a large smile. She waved hello enthusiastically, her bright green hair bouncing with her, as the princess took a deep breath before awkwardly shaking hands with her. Everyone was looking away from the pair, as Allura obviously seemed uncomfortable with talking with her. Keith was relieved to feel a tap on his shoulder, turning around and seeing two girls behind him. They looked the same age as the team, with one wearing a bright bisexual tank top and the other wearing a bisexual dress. There was no denying that they were a couple. The tank topped girl had a red tint to her skin and hair, while the other had a blue tint. They were rather short, but seemed full of excitement to talk with Keith.

“Hi there! We were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us?” the red girl asked.

“We’re not trying to be weird,” the blue one followed, “We just thought our friend would like you. But we don’t know about your gender and sexualtily yet. ”

It was funny to hear the girls say something like that so nonshalontly. It’s not everyday that you hear someone ask what your sexuality is out of the blue. If the team stood here any longer Keith might actually explode from happiness, and that’s saying something. Keith smiled back at the girls and replied, “I’m Keith. I go by he/him pronouns and I’m the definition of a rainbow!”

The couple smiled wider and replied together, “Robbie says the same thing!”

Damn it, anymore of this and Keith’s lil’ gay heart wont be able to stay beating. Something gripped Keith’s shoulder, hard enough for Keith to know that it was Shiro. The girls shrunk back but still looked with curiosity. Taking a small glance you could tell that Shiro was pissed, but more because Keith was having a good time.

“Keith, we’re here to do a job. I know you want to go out and talk with people, for once in your life, but this war comes first. I‘m holding back as much as I can, and I expect you to do the same.”

Shiro rolled his eyes as Keith groaned, going back to paying attention to the pan girl. Without even looking Keith could feel the cringe level that Allura is pulling off right now, and it was something that Keith didn’t want to see. Turning back to the girls, he could tell that they felt it to.

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