Chapter 1

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Khushi's POV

Today was going to be my last day at work. Even though I knew this day was coming for the past 3 months, I couldn't get rid of that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. This was meant to be, I was getting married in 5 days. I had to move cities'ok maybe I was exaggerating, I wasn't moving that far. Only three hours away.

I had known this day was coming for so long so why was I worried? Was I forgetting something? Did I miss a file that I was supposed to look over? Did I have any pending contracts that I may have overlooked? Any deadlines that I may have forgot about? That couldn't be because I had given everything over to my replacement- she could deal with that stuff now. Today I was just going to go in and say bye to all my coworkers who had now become a second family for me. I spent more time with these people than I did even with my family in the past five years.

Working long shifts' meeting deadlines' late night coffee runs' I would miss all that. Yes, that was the reason I was so restless. I would miss having these people around. Maybe moving to a new city was giving me the jitters' having to find a new job, new friends'

From a junior data entry clerk, I had worked my way up in this company and today I was the CFO of MHP Financial, but not for much longer I guess. I had put 5 years of my blood and sweat in this company and today I was going to leave it all behind to be with the man who I had slowly fallen in love with'wait let me correct myself. Was it love?

I wasn't sure but I knew that if there was anybody I wanted to spend my life with, it was him. No he didn't make me feel all mushy and gooey and no there were no fireworks when we met but his simplicity and outlook on life had drawn me towards him. I trusted him. He understood me, listened to me, made me feel young and beautiful. Isn't that what love is?

No, I was not a fairy tale type of a girl. I was rational. I believed everything in life happened for a reason. We met people for a reason. We made conversations for a reason but my fianc had proven me wrong. He had taught me how to enjoy life, how to let loose and today I was going to leave this life behind so that in five days I could go and spend the rest of my life with him.

Growing up as the oldest child in the family, I was always told I was going to be the role model for my younger siblings and cousins and that is what I had done. I had worked hard, made my parents proud and when my mom had started taking too much interest in her friend's son, I had told her to do whatever she thought was right as I wasn't in the dating business anymore. I believed girls could live life on their own. A woman doesn't always need a man now does she? I definitely didn't. I had enough friends and I was so professionally driven that I didn't have time for that stuff. Nor did I care honestly until one night as I was laying in bed after a long day of work, my blackberry vibrated and that's the day life changed for me.

Facebook friend request? At 3 in the morning? Couldn't people sleep? But not like I was sleeping so who was I to complain. My first thought was to put my phone away and grab 3 hours of sleep before I had to get up and start my day again but curiosity got the better or me. Grabbing my phone, I looked at the friend request- Karan Mittal? Now who was this? Before I could put my brain into overdrive, I thought it would be smart to just read the message that was sent along.

"Hi Khushi, this is Karan. I am not sure if you know me but our moms have been speaking to each other quite a bit and she had given me your name. I know this might be a bit weird but our moms have good intentions at heart so I thought I'll message and see what you think. I know it's kind of late but I just got off work so thought I'll message. Anyways' hope to hear from you soon. Karan"

What the ***. Those were literally the words that came out of my mouth. How in hell did things get this far? Where did this guy get my information from? I scratched my brain and tried to remember my conversations with my mom over the past week but nothing rang a bell. My first thought was to get up and knock on my mom's door but I thought that wouldn't be appropriate since my dad was there too. There was no way I was going to sleep now.

I opened my laptop and decided that I might as well message and give him a piece of my mind since that lunatic of person was still up but then decided against it. Maybe I should wait till I talk to mom. I know I was getting riled up for no reason but it literally felt like my blood pressure was going up. I was feeling hot and cold at the same time. My cheeks were burning and so were my ears but my hands were cold. How could someone that you didn't even know make you feel this angry? This was definitely not a good sign.

But I was wrong. I never would have thought that a facebook message could change my life forever.

Today, as I got ready to go to work to go say my final byes, I decided to call Karan to see if we had anything left for the wedding since I knew the next five days would be hectic and I probably wouldn't get a chance to speak to him properly.

"Hi Sweetie" I heard Karan mumble into the phone and for some unknown reason my stomach dropped.

"Everything ok?" I asked as panic started to grip me over his tone. Even though I knew he probably just got off work and had a bad case like he did most of the time, my sixth sense was telling me something wasn't right. Lately I panicked over everything. Maybe that's what people called wedding jitters.

"Ya why not.. sorry, just a bad day in the ER (emergency room). The other floor doctor didn't show up so just had way too much running around. Wasup". I admired this guy. Karan was a doctor and worked in the emergency ward of a hospital. He lived in an apartment on his own which was close to his work whereas his parents lived in the countryside which was about an hour away from his hospital. He had worked for a year commuting from home but then he decided to get a place to make his life easier. We had decided to look for a house after we came back from our honeymoon once I got a job. He was a hard working guy. He would work 12 hours straight without a complain whereas after 9 hours, I would get grumpy. Maybe I am just getting old' but not like he wasn't'.

"I just thought I'd see if there was anything left for the wedding or if I had to call anyone since for the next few days I might be off limits" I replied laughingly.

"No I think everything is under control. Just message me if you think of something and I'll deal with it. Don't worry about anything". How could I not worry? Planning a 500 people wedding was not easy. The last few months had taken up all my energy. Work, wedding planning, home stuff' I needed a break. I couldn't wait till we left for our honeymoon so I could get my brain back in place.

"Sounds good. K I just gotta go to work and wrap things up' message me when you wake up and I'll call you then". With that I hung up the phone.

Never in a million years would I have thought that that would be our last conversation before my perfectly planned life would fall apart...

Let me know what you guys think! Pinki

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