Chapter 22 (Mature)

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It seemed like an eternity before he pressed his lips against hers and even when he did, it was pure torture. His hands lazily rested on her waist while his lips gently nibbled on her bottom lip, occasionally chewing it. His hands moved over her curves, learning her body, warm and insistent. He kissed the corner of her mouth, feeling her warm breath and when she couldn't take the torture any longer, she moved her head sideways to take his lips in hers, but he moved away.

"Not so fast sweetheart" he mumbled as his lips trailed across her cheek. His voice was husky and deep and she felt every bone in her body melting. He kissed her cheek and moved towards her ear.

"I don't like earrings" he muttered as he grabbed the hoop earring with his teeth and pulled it out and threw it on the bed. His teeth caught hold of her earlobe and he grazed it every so lightly, tugging on it, biting it. He moved lower, pressing light kisses along the column of her neck and she arched her head back, giving him more access. After awhile, she felt his hands move up her arms and slowly pulled down one of the straps of her dress, while his eyes stayed fix on her face to see her reaction. In response, she just clutched his shirt a little tighter and smiled in content. His lips lowered to her shoulder and he pressed open mouthed kisses from the dent of her neck to her upper arm, slowly moving inwards. Her matching red brassiere caught his attention and with shaking hands, he lowered that strap too. Last night he hadn't been able to see her, but today he wanted to enjoy each sigh, each moan that he was going elate from her. His fingers curled up at the front of her lowered clothing and when he unconsciously touched the front of her swell, she gasped and her eyes flew open. His breathing was just as uneven as hers and his hand remained hooked where it was.

"Do you want me to stop" he mumbled against her lips, waiting for a response. When she shook her head in no, brushing her lips across his in the process, he took her lips in his. He kissed her hungrily while his other hand moved up and pushed the remaining strap. She sat on his lap, her chest bared and a slight tug on her dress would satisfy his hungry eyes. This time he didn't resist. When his hands moved down to cup her, she gasped and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in her mouth. He traced every inch of her mouth, learning the contours, tasting every inch she had to offer to him. Tongues clashed, breaths mingled and when she couldn't take it any longer, she pulled her mouth away from his.

He took a deep breath in an effort to slow down and quell his own ardent desires and turned his attention to her neck, licking, sucking, nibbling, and teasing. She squirmed delightfully against him, making small whimpering noises in his ear. Every second, every moment was pure bliss, pure force and electricity.

With a quick flip, he had her flat on the bed, while he loomed over her. Her eyes flew open in shock and she barely murmured his name when he returned to her lips, kissing her with barely contained passion. His hips lowered against hers and he nudged her thighs apart, settling himself in between. Gazing down, he stared at the strained bud in front of him and rubbed it with his thumb, noticing it tighten even more.


"You" he whispered as he moved his mouth lower, licking the curve between her swells "are perfect."

He memorized every line and curve, the way she fit in his hand while she squirmed and moaned under his torturous hands. Finally, he decided to have mercy on her and when he lowered his mouth to taste the tight peak, the knock on the door pulled him out of his reverie.


"Chote, dinner is ready" Anjali lightly knocked on their door.

The next second, Khushi pushed Arnav off her as hard as she could, absolutely horrified, wondering if Anjali would push that door open and catch them in this state.

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