Chapter 20 (Mature)

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"I love you Khushi"

Her eyes snapped open and she stared at him wordlessly through the mirror. Love? He was in love with her? Arnav looked up and stared into her confused eyes through the mirror. His hands stilled where they were whereas hers slightly tightened on his wrists. Khushi looked genuinely shocked and he wondered why that was. He had given her enough hints; she couldn't have been unaware of all the signs. Did she think he was just physically attracted to her?

"No..." she whispered and tried to move away from him but his grip tightened and she could tell from the flaring of his nose that she had annoyed him.

"What do you mean by no?"

His question threw her off guard and she realized she didn't have an answer to that. On top of that, she had managed to annoy him and she knew she was better off not saying anything.

"Bolo Khushi... why not?" He was not going to drop this discussion; she realized which made her all more flustered. His proximity was making her nervous and she suddenly felt tongue tied.

"I...because...ummm... it's just...I don't know...don't you think... uhhh..." he waited for her to complete her sentence but she didn't.

"I love you Khushi... I love everything about you..." his voice suddenly became huskier and his left hand moved up her chest, towards her neck. He raised his index finger and slowly traced each feature on her flushed face.

"I love the way your eyes light up when you see me"

His finger trailed down and traced the bridge of her nose "I love the way your nose flares when you're annoyed at me"

His thumb traced her lower lip all the while keeping her eyes locked through the mirror in front of them "I love the way your lips tremble when you're close to me... I love the way this pulse beats..."

He swooped down and traced the slight pulse at the base of her neck with his tongue. "I love the way your breathing goes uneven when I touch you" His left hand now moved down and traced the outline of her breasts.

"I have no idea when this happened, how it happened, but it did. I love you sweetheart... I love you so much..." he whispered against her ear and looked up at her to find her eyes closed, her hands tightly holding his wrists and her head arched back against his shoulder while she breathed unevenly from the sweet torture that her husband was putting her through. The image she created was so damn seductive and he wondered if she had any idea what she was doing to him. Whatever control he had snapped, as his right hand moved dangerously lower.

His hand moved dangerously lower and before she could stop him, his hand was inside her pajama's over her panties. He rubbed her lightly and moved even lower till he felt the wetness and heat seeping through the flimsy garment. Her eyes flew open and she stared at him through the mirror. His eyes focused on her face, determined, whereas hers held confusion and nervousness. His fingers brushed against the sensitive nub through the barrier and she tensed in his arms. He held her gaze through the mirror, stilling his actions, while his left hand moved up inside her shirt and he cupped one swell.

"It's ok sweetheart... just relax... let me do this..." he whispered against her neck and when he felt her starting to breathe again, her body relaxing, his hand moved inside her bra to cup her, while his other hand pushed aside that flimsy garment. His fingers grazed the wet folds, slowly stroking her while his thumb found the tiny nub that was begging to be stroked. She stiffened in his arms and without a warning; he dipped a finger inside of her causing her to moan loudly at the sudden invasion. His thumb rubbed against the nub whereas his other thumb stroked around her nipple, causing it to painfully tighten. His lips nipped on her neck, her ear, the side of her cheek. Another finger dipped inside of her and her eyes flew open. His hot gaze locked with her desire filled eyes through the mirror.

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