Chapter 28

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6:00 am

Khushi groaned in bed as she heard a loud buzzing coming from Arnav's side of the room and she dug her face deeper into the comforter to escape the sound, but it didnt stop.

"Arnav stop that!" she mumbled. Even though it was probably only a few seconds, she finally felt Arnav shuffle beside her and stop the noise. Five minutes hadn't even passed when it started again and almost wondering if she was dreaming, she opened her eyes to see what was creating such an annoying sound in the morning, only to realize it was Arnav's alarm.

Vacation definitely spoiled me, I totally forgot we even use alarm clocks, she mumbled to herself, before she kicked Arnav again, telling him to turn it off, rather than pressing the snooze button. Within seconds, she was fast asleep again.

8:30 am

Khushi snuggled deeper under the blanket, as she suddenly felt cold. Moving closer to Arnav's side to get some warmth from him, she stretched her arms out to put them around him, to find out that he wasn't there. She opened her eyes and looked towards to bathroom, but the door was open. Looking outside, she realized the sun was fully up and she almost screamed when she looked over at the alarm clock! Her and Arnav should haven been at work by now! They had a meeting with their lawyers to go over their annual resolutions! She jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs to see Anjali sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper while drinking her morning tea.

"Good Morning Di! Is Arnav in the kitchen?" she asked while walking past Anjali, towards the kitchen to be stopped by Anjali's voice.

"No actually Chote already left for work around 7. He said you needed to catch up on your sleep, so he wasn't going to wake you up" Anjali replied, smiling.

"Oh. But we had a meeting..." she mumbled as she ran back towards their bedroom, wondering if Arnav had forgotten all about it.

She walked towards the closet, her face slightly fallen, wondering why he didn't wake her up. How was she going to get to the office? She didn't even have a car! And the meeting was only an hour away. The other option would be to ask Shyam Jiju for a ride since he usually started work after 9 but she decided to pass on that option. I rather take a taxi than spending half an hour alone with his creepiness...

Grabbing her clothes, she was about to walk into the bathroom to find yellow sticky on the door.

Good morning sweetie! She smiled seeing the message but then frowned remembering that he left her behind. She closed the door behind her and was about to hang her clothes to find another sticky.

Little bit pissy? She almost laughed out loud seeing the message but took it off and hung her clothes. She was about to grab her toothbrush when she found another sticky, stuck on the toothbrush holder.

Stinky! Her eyes widened seeing the message and as she stood up straight and looked in the mirror to start brushing her teeth, another sticky awaited her attention.

Actually no your not stinky, just lazy! Taking the sticky off, she went back to her business and as she turned towards the shower stall, she found another sticky, slightly bigger this time.

I love you gorgeous! Smiling she hopped into the shower, chiding herself for wasting time on read the stickies when she was already getting so late. Taking a ten minute shower, she threw her clothes on and walked upto her night stand to grab her phone to call a cab when she found another a full note there.

Ok you may stop running around now. I moved the meeting to tomorrow but that doesn't mean your off the hook. Meet me for lunch at 1. I'll send someone to pick you up- Love ya!

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now