Chapter 25

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"Arnav utho na...."

"Wake up!"

It took Khushi 20 minutes to get him to open his eyes and she wondered what in hell was wrong with the guy. He was usually the first one up and ready to take on the world but something seemed to be off today. Mumbling that he'll be up in 5 minutes, he turned over to get some more sleep but she couldn't wait any longer. She had got up, showered, made breakfast for both of them but here he was sprawled across the bed, literally hiding in the blanket. She had nudged him, pushed him and even sat on him but nothing had got much of a response out of him and now she couldn't wait any longer. His coffee was getting cold and it was already 2 pm.

Slowly, she slipped the blanket off his face, while he scrunched his nose in irritation but buried it back in the pillow. Knowing there was no other way around it, she jumped up on the bed and sat on him. She waited a few minutes but when he didn't seem to move, she took the end of her ponytail and stuck it in his ear.

"Khushi please...." he barely mumbled and when she moved forward to touch his cheek, the heat radiating from his body threw her into panic mode. She checked his forehead, face and neck just to realize that he was burning with a fever and she wondered how come she didn't notice it before? Maybe because her own body was so hot due to the blaring temperatures on the island.

"You have a fever" she barely croaked out, mentally kicking herself for her stupidity. Quickly jumping off him, she tucked the blanket around him to grab some medicines, which she had packed as she herself always tended to get sick while being on vacation. As she ran back to the bed to give him the pills, she realized that he hadn't ate the night before and that it was probably not a good idea taking the pills on an empty stomach. Putting the bottle away, she got under the blanket beside him and caressed his hair, waiting for him to open his eyes and when he finally did, she told him that he needed to eat something before taking any medications but he ignored everything she said.

As drained as his body felt, the smell of lavender filled his nostrils and had his senses back in alert. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her body close to his and tucked his face in the crook of her neck, taking in the sweet fragrance of her shampoo and soap and herself. Her own hands moved upto his hair and she slowly caressed it, whispering to him every now and then to get up and shower as it would help the fever go down or get up and eat but his even breathing told her he had fallen asleep again.

Slowly, she untangled herself and walked into the bathroom to find a cloth that she could use. Finding a small hand towel, she went to the kitchen and filled up one of the pots with some cold water and came back to her husband to apply the wet cloth on his forehead and neck. She sat beside him on the bed, and noticed the vulnerable look on his face for the very first time since they had gotten married. He had never gotten sick before and she wondered what he took to feel better. They were on an island which she didn't know much about and all of a sudden she wasn't too sure if the plain old advil pills would work on him but she would deal with that once he woke up, she realized.

An hour or so later when his body temperature finally got back to normal, Arnav woke up to find Khushi sitting crosslegged on the bed, with a pot balanced in between. She was dipping the towel into the pot and the concentration on her face made his heart warm. How long had she been sitting like this? He didn't know. He vaguely remembered her trying to get him to wake up but that was about it. Everything else seemed to be a blur and when his eyes moved to the clock behind her, he felt like an absolute heel. It was 5 pm and their first day was pretty much about to come to an end. Instead of him, taking her somewhere and doing things, here she was sitting on the bed trying to make him feel better.

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