Chapter 4

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Nobody's POV


"Khushi... can you hear me..."

"Khushi... wake up..."

"Khushi... "

Her groggy mind could hear someone saying her name but why did it sound like Arnav and not Karan...shouldn't she be waking up to Karan whispering sweet nothings into her ear like a husband should after spending the first night with his wife but why in hell was his voice so ... loud?

As she slowly fluttered her eyes open, she saw Arnav's worried expressions ,who was literally slapping her face with one hand and sprinking water on it with his other one.

God this guy didn't know how to be gentle... she thought bemusedly.

As she shook her head and tried to get up and question him to ask what he was doing in her room, their earlier conversation slowly started replaying in her mind.

Arnav sat there looking at the expressions on her face. One second she was opening her eyes and she almost had a smile on her face. What the f***! Did she not realize how panicked he was. First Karan had literally disappeared into thin air and now she was sitting there looking at him like he had just told her a joke. Before he could show her his phone again, he noticed her expressions changing and realization dawning on her as to where she was and why he was there.

As he looked into those large innocent eyes, he expected tears to start flowing any minute but that didn't happen. Instead she looked at him and asked him when he had seen Karan the last time.

"This morning when we left the house. He was in his parents car whereas I came with my nani, sister and brother in law" he replied looking at her confusedly.

But the tears never came and instead he noticed the fury rising in those beautiful eyes and he knew if Karan was to come in front of this girl right now, he would be ashes.

"Can you go call mine and his parents please? I would look kind of stupid running around in all this" she asked him while pointing to her outfit. "We might as well break the news sooner rather than having people wait" she replied trying to stand up and walk towards the window but before she could get there his hand caught hold of hers and he slowly pushed her back down.

"Wait a second! Don't jump to conclusions. Why don't you try calling from your phone.. there's got to be a way. How could he do this and if he was going to... why in hell did he wait till now" and off Arnav went while she sat there speechless not knowing the answers to any of it.

Her to be husband had literally left her standing in the middle of this chaos to deal with it on her own.

She just got ditched at her own alter. What were the chances of this happening in her well planned and calculated life?

While Arnav kept ranting on different strategies on how to go find Karan, her heart said he would return and he couldn't be this ruthless but the logical part of her brain knew that this was it. Wasn't he the one who had taught her how to think with her heart over her head sometimes? How he had always emphasized that the heart doesn't make wrong decisions but will always make decisions that would keep you happy and you wouldn't regret later? So how come at this point his advise was not going to work?

It was all a lie afterall. She was the stupid one who fell into this. How could she have been so naive? How did she not realize?

There was no way that he had made this decision while he went to go take a piss! She thought angrily.

He must have been thinking about this for quite some time now so how in hell did she not pick up on this? He couldn't have made up his mind in the last five days as that was the only time when she hadn't spoken to him properly.

There was no point in thinking about all that at this point. She had the rest of her life to ponder over why it happened and how it happened, but first of all she needed to let their families know. Taking a deep breath she looked up and found Arnav staring right back at her. Was that pity in his eyes? Did he feel sorry for her? I mean who wouldn't in this situation but this definitely wasn't her fault. At least, she didn't think it was.

"Can you get our parents please" was all she asked him before moving away from him to realize how cold her hands were and how badly she was shaking. She stood there cursing her own body which was giving up on her when she probably needed it the most to face the world.

As Khushi stood rubbing her hands against each other trying to think of what she was going to say, she felt Arnav turn her around and make her sit on one of the chairs. He sat down with his knees on the ground and slowly took her cold hands in his warm ones and started rubbing them. How did he know she was getting the chills all of a sudden?

She would have rather been feeling hot than cold at this moment so that she wouldn't have this guy at her feet trying to warm her up. Atleast if she was hot, he could have just dumped a bucket of cold water over her and she would have cooled down rather than him touching her.

The way his large hands kept rubbing and squeezing her small ones to warm her fingertips had sensations shooting from her arms down to her stomach. But before she could mentally kick herself for having her hormones deceiving her at this point, she felt his hands let go of hers and slowly moving up to her face to cup it gently.

"Before I go call our parents and all hell breaks loose, are you sure there isn't anything else you want to do? Maybe we could try calling the hospital? Or his apartment? I know I shouldn't be asking you all this. I should be able to take charge here but... I don't know. I have no clue. Oh my god, I am soo sorry Khushi. I had no idea this was coming. I swear he looked perfectly fine this morning and there was nothing off about him but I just don't..." his blabbering was cut off as he noticed Khushi staring at the door and as he slowly turned around, he noticed her parents, Karan's parents and his family standing at the door staring at them.

That's when he realized his hands were still cupping her face and slowly letting go, he stood up to break the news.

Hi Guys! Now there was part 4. Sorry I haven't had a chance to PM anyone but I will try if I get a chance tonight. Till then, please let me know how you like it.


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