Chapter 8

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As Khushi tried to snuggle further into the blanket, the knocking sound didn't seem to be going away. "Go away... its Sunday" she heard him mutter and couldn't have been more thankful that he agreed with her.

When the knock turned into banging at the door, she pulled the blanket from his face while rolling over and muttered "Karan go check na..."

That's all Arnav needed for him to open his eyes and realize his surroundings. Khushi had the blanket wrapped around her tightly and she was halfway down the bed as she seemed to keep shifting further down with the noise.

"Chote, open the door please.. its 10 o'clock" Anjali whispered. "Nani is calling you guys"

"Coming di..." he hurriedly ran to the door and opened it. Anjali stood at the door explaining to him how he was suppose to take Khushi back to her house and that they should get ready soon since it was a three hour drive. As he shut the door and turned around, Khushi was sitting up in bed with dazed expression. Blinking furiously she realized she was with Arnav in his room, not Karan. Realizing her blunder and feeling awfully ashamed, she slowly got up and walked up to him while he was quietly taking out his clothes to go get ready. Fully aware that she was behind him, he took out his stuff and told her that he was gonna go to one of the guest rooms to shower and that she should get ready as they had to go back to her parents house.

Before she could open her mouth and apologize, he turned around and giving her a small smile, walked out of the room to go shower.

"F*** me" she whispered furiously. How could she have done that? Calling him Karan on their first morning together, she wished the earth would open up and swallow her. Furious at herself, she pulled her clothes from one of her suitcases and went to go get ready. I'll apologize to him on the drive...

After half an hour, he found her running around the room trying to get her stuff together. Quietly, he walked into the bathroom, groomed up and sat on the bed patiently waiting for her to finish up. He should have just walked downstairs and had breakfast while she was getting ready but something in him told him to wait for her since it was her first morning in the house and that he shouldn't just ditch her like that.

As she turned around and was about to run out of the room thinking everybody will be waiting for her, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Arnav sitting on the bed typing away furiously on his blackberry. Man his poor phone... that thing gets tortured too much ... she thought amusedly.

"Ready?" he asked and assuming that she was, he got up still typing and started walking towards the door when he felt her hand take hold of his arm.

"Hi" she asked a little unsurely as she couldn't tell if he was mad at her because of the morning or if that's just how he normally was. She knew he was a man with few words. Whatever he had said to her before he had asked her to marry him had blown her away as from her past meeting with him and whatever Karan had told her, he didn't talk much. He only liked to talk as much necessary which made people think that he was arrogant, when he truthfully wasn't. He just wasn't the greatest with words.

"Hello" he replied looking at her a little confused. Was he suppose to greet her when he woke up? He didn't think about that.

"how are you?" she asked trying to get a few more words out of him.

"Good... u?" he replied looking back at his phone which was now vibrating.

"Good" and she stood there not knowing what else to say.

"Should we go" he asked looking up after typing alittle more on his phone and she quietly followed him out of the room.

After about half an hour, they were on their drive back to her parents' house and before she could say anything to him, Arnav told her that he would drop her at her parents and that he had some work stuff to do and that he will come get her at night. That's when she realized that he probably hadn't planned to take this day off and that he probably had other prior engagements. Suddenly feeling horrible over the way she addressed him this morning and how he probably had to be somewhere else, she quietly sunk back in her seat and stared outside.

All of a sudden she realized she didn't know how to start a conversation with him. She was hoping that as soon as they started driving down that she would apologize to him and they will most likely spend the rest of their drive talking and maybe learning about each other a little more but Arnav sat there on his phone barking instructions to someone over some catalogue covers and some payments that should have went out to suppliers, but didn't.

He seems to be in a foul mood... Maybe its not a good time to talk ... she thought and decided that she will text Priya and see how everything was going. She knew Priya had a crush on Arnav and she thought back to when she was deciding to hooking them up. All of a sudden texting Priya didn't seem like a good idea either.

"You could put music on if you want" she heard him say and had no idea how long he had been off the phone for. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and before he could dial another number she grabbed his phone from him while he looked at her absolutely stunned.

"I am sorry about this morning. I didn't mean to. I just didn't realize. I promise it will never happen again". There... she said it... it wasn't that hard she realized and when she looked up at him, he sat there with a grin on his face like she had just told him a joke.

"What! I am serious. I am sorry, like really very sorry." She wanted to cry. This is not how she wanted life to be. She had hoped that when she would go back for her pagphera, she would take presents for everyone. Her and Karan had already discussed what they would buy.

Arnav pulled over on the side of the road as he saw her sitting there with tears flowing down her cheeks. He was a jerk he classified.

"Khushi please don't cry... look I am sorry. I honestly didn't even mind or pay attention to what you said. It's ok if you addressed me as Karan. I didn't mind one bit. It will take some time to get used to each other... I honestly understand... please don't cry" he sat across from her running his hand through his hair furiously, not knowing how to console her. No wonder he didn't have a girlfriend, he realized.

As she looked up at her still teary eyed, she realized he actually wasn't mad.

"So why didn't you talk to me properly this morning?" she replied in between the hiccups.

"Ok I am sorry. I'll keep that in mind. I just never talk to anyone in the mornings. I get up, get ready and leave for work... never really had to speak to anyone in the morning". He moved forward, wiped her tears and patted her cheeks lovingly. Wiping away the remainder of the tears, she handed him his phone back and sat back in her chair feeling a little better that he atleast wasn't mad at her.

Her heart fluttered when he put his phone away and apologized for being on the phone while sitting with her. The rest of the drive she spent asking him generic questions such as his favourite color, food and after she would finish, he would repeat the same question back.

Two hours later, as he dropped Khushi at her parents house and was about to leave, her parents asked him to stay as well if he could. Just when he was to explain to them that he had some important work to deal with, he looked over at Khushi who sat with an expectant look on her face despite knowing what his answer would be.

"Sure" he replied shocking her as he walked back into the house and sat beside her.

"Khushi apna moonh band karo, varna makhi ghus jaayegi" he winked and smirking at her turned his attention back to what her dad, cross that, their dad was saying. Taking his phone out, he typed something real fast and turned it off.

Karan could wait.

Hi guys! Here is part 8... I literally typed this part in an hour... hopefully you guys like it. PM's will be sent out later. Please let me know what you think.


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