Chapter 29

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12:05 pm

Khushi stared at Karan across the table, noticing the sly grin and she almost wondered what was going on. Something was cooking in that intelligent head of his and she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"I am waiting Karan. I don't have all day" she told him as she snapped her fingers in front of his face, her anger starting to take over.

He straightened up at her tone and looked at her mockingly. Before she could repeat herself, she noticed one of the workers walking towards their table with two cups in her hand.

"Here you go guys. Enjoy" she told them with a smile on her face and Khushi looked at her drink questioningly and before she could say something, Karan told her that he had already ordered her drink.

"It hasn't been that long that I don't remember what you like and don't like Khushi. We do have a history" he told her while he moved forward to take his mug and take a sip out of his coffee. In order to calm her nerves, she took a deep breath and counted in her head. If Karan didn't speak up within thirty seconds, she was going to walk out. There was no reason for her to be here like this and the situation she was in was way too ridiculous. Since when had Karan become like that? The Karan she knew would have done anything to make her happy especially when he was the one that had left her at the last moment. But before she could go back to her counting, Karan finally decided to break his silence.

"Oh ya, you were saying something about not having all day? Well you do have another four and a half hours. I'll give you half an hour to get to the airport, knowing the rush hour traffic" he told her while her jaw almost dropped in shock, wondering how he knew about Arnav's whereabouts, but she kept her face in control.

"Anyways, I haven't called you here to go over your day's plans. I need to talk to you about something important" he told her as he put his mug down and the grave look in his eyes told her that he was going to reveal something not too pleasant.



Khushi sat in the airport parking lot, replaying the past few hours in her head. How long had she been sitting in this underground parkade? She wasn't sure. Atleast two hours. She couldn't go home as she knew she needed some time to gather her thoughts together; to digest everything Karan told her.

Your life is in danger Khushi. You have no idea what kind of a household you have got married into. Didn't you ever wonder why Arnav was single even though he probably could have got any girl with a snap of his finger? Why do you think he lived alone with his Nani? Why do you think Anjali and Shyam don't have kids? Haven't you ever wondered how nobody in that house really talks to each other? There is a reason to all that Khushi. Why did Arnav all of a sudden decide to become God and take decisions into his hand at our wedding? If he was my true friend, he would have tried to track me down before going ahead and marrying you. This isn't the 19th century Khushi where you HAD to marry someone just because you were dressed up as a bride. The world has moved alot forward than that. Girls don't even have to get married these days and are allowed to live a single life if they choose to. We were engaged Khushi! It was OUR wedding day! I know what I did was wrong but that didn't give him the right to snatch everything away from me but perhaps that's what he had always wanted. Growing up, there was always this invisible wall between us and it was of jealousy. I had loving parents, a well settled family, a good career and then I had you. There was nothing else that I had wanted after that and Arnav knew that. God, there wasn't a moment when I didn't talk about you when we were together. He knew how much I loved you and still do, but he still went ahead and within a span of few hours, took the one last thing that I had asked God to give me. Doesn't it sound fishy to you that all of a sudden on OUR wedding day I get a message from some random girl, giving me all these details from the night me and Arnav were together. How did she get your phone number? How did she know about all our wedding stuff? Think Khushi- there was only one person that could have done all this.

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