Chapter 32

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Three hours later Khushi looked over at her phone and noticed the five waiting messages along with three missed calls. Knowing who it was from, she put her phone away and turned towards Arnav's side to see it empty. Slowly the noise of running water from the bathroom registered in her hazy mind and before she could turn around and go back to sleep, Arnav walked out of the bathroom, towel hanging low on his waist, still fully drenched.

"I know what to do" was all he said before he spilled his plan in front of Khushi.


Karan paced his living room madly, almost ready to destroy his phone but the only thought that prevented him from doing so was that that was only number Khushi had and if he was to break that piece of crap, there was no way he would be able to communicate with her. Another message had arrived from Shyam and his anxiousness was increasing by the minute. Before he could call Khushi again, he finally received a text from her with two simple words: Screw off

This time the phone hit the wall with such force that it broke to pieces leaving an indent in the wall, but that didn't simmer down the rage that was building up in him. Karan knew there was only one way out of this.

It was about time he paid a visit to the Raizada mansion.


Shyam restlessly paced his hotel room. It had been over an hour since he had messaged Karan but there had been no response. His men had advised him that Arnav's car was still at home and that nobody had come or gone from the house. Not knowing what was taking so long, he took long strides to the bar and poured himself a drink but before he could drown it, his hands stilled. Being intoxicated was not a good option at this point. As much as he hated to admit his defeat, he knew things weren't going as he had planned. Why couldn't the girl have been a little more stupid? What in hell was Arnav thinking when he had agreed to marry her? Shyam knew all along she was trouble. Khushi was too smart for her own good; hence the reason Shyam had broken her marriage with Karan but he would have never guessed Arnav had feelings for her. The man was too prim and proper and Shyam would have never imagined Arnav to ever have a crush on his best friends fiance. That was unlike Arnav but there was something about that girl that had attracted these two men to her.

As much as Karan loved the girl, Khushi was going to be trouble to have around and today his sixth sense had proven to be right. Looking at her, nobody would guess the smartness that the girl had. She looked like an ordinary, plain girl but Shyam had known better. He could smell an enemy from a mile away. That is how he ran his business and it almost shocked him to think that he was scared of a girl who barely weighed 100 lbs?

What in hell was she still doing at home? Why had Arnav not left for work yet? Had she told him everything? If that was the case, he knew he had to do some damage control. What if Arnav told Anjali everything? Would Anjali confess that she had known everything all along?

She wouldn't. Anjali knew what was right for her and if she hadn't said anything in all these years, now was not the time to do it. None of them had any proof against him including Karan and above all his wife would never agree to any word against him, as she knew what was good for her.

Her dear brother and grandma were at his gunpoint. The day she opened her mouth, Anjali knew Shyam was going to kill them but let her live, let her suffer each day knowing that she was the reason that the two people she loved the most were dead because of her.

Swirling the alcohol in the glass, he walked back to the table just as his phone started ringing and he knew today was not going to be a good day.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now