Chapter 18

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8 years ago...

Arnav had been sitting in the university cafeteria, waiting for Karan for the past half hour as they were suppose to meet for lunch before getting back to their weekly schedules. Wednesday's were the only days they both had a spare together so they could sit and catch up on things as their schedules varied. Even though Arnav's wasn't as hectic as Karan's, considering Karan was going to med school, Arnav worked part-time for his dad's company which made his life just as busy.

As Arnav looked up to see Karan walking towards him, there was a dazed expression on his face.

"Have you been blazing?" Arnav asked Karan as he sat across from him, dropping his oversize bag on the empty chair and stethescope and other medical equipment on the table.

"No! I just left my practicum dude. What the F***!" Karan replied back furiously at Arnav's sudden question.

"Ok chill dude... your eye's are just a bit glazed so just wondering..." Arnav replied back while getting up to go grab his food.

Back in their high school days, both of them had tried smoking a joint however their reactions had been slightly different. While Karan had actually enjoyed it, Arnav had locked himself in his room that whole day, absolutely paranoid that someone would find out. Since that day, Arnav hadn't touched marijuana in his life again as he loved being in control over everything, whereas Karan had found it as a relaxer, especially while he was writing his medical entrance exams. Even though Karan said he never smoked again, Arnav had a feeling that he did once in a while as his expressions were sometimes a bit off.

As Arnav had watched Karan eat his lunch that day... he noticed the slightly trembling of Karan's hands and wasn't too sure what to make out of it. The following year, Karan had decided to skip a term in medical school as he felt the pressure was too much and decided that he wanted to take a break and work for awhile. As much as he tried to ask Karan in those days if everything was ok, Karan never said anything but it was about two years ago when Karan had told him about him getting addicted to marijuana and knowing that he could have got could kicked out of school because of it, he had taken the term off to get his act together and he had succeeded. He had always wanted to become a doctor and Karan had realized that it wasn't worth it to ruin his career over an illegal substance.


Arnav sat at his desk and looked over at Khushi who was working away, chewing on a pen as if it could fill up her appetite. For such a tiny frame, she had an appetite of an elephant, he mused. As he looked over at her, he wasn't sure if both of them working together was such a good idea anymore. Even though she was a great asset to the company, she was twice the distraction for him. An undeniable attraction was sizzling between them and he was finding it hard to keep a control over himself. She was acutely aware of it too and he knew that, but he was finding it hard to figure out how she felt about him. There were times when he would notice her staring at him when he wasn't looking but then there were also times when he would find her in her own world when he was around, forgetting that he even existed.

Turning his chair around, his eyes flew over to the hospital building and he wondered what the deal with Karan was. He knew for a fact that Karan wasn't doing drugs, otherwise he wouldn't have been practicing. So what else could have happened to make him run away and still had him running? Was he having an affair? That didn't seem plausible either as Arnav had seen how much he had loved Khushi. She was the only thing he would talk about when they were together and Arnav remembered that tinge of jealously he would feel every time Karan spoke about how perfect of a life partner he was being gifted and Arnav knew for a fact today that she truly was a gift from god.

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