Chapter 30

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His eyes stayed locked on her phone, as if he was watching a video rather than hearing an audio. Each passing minute making him feel more sick and he wondered how she must have felt listening to all this? The girl was a genius to even think about recording Karan's whole confession but being able to actually record it all, under the circumstances that she was in, was insane. If Karan or somebody else would have found out what she had done, the consequences probably wouldn't have been too pretty but this was Khushi. His tigress. The girl definitely knew what she was doing and he silently thanked his father in law who she probably had learnt all this from.

He didn't realize when Karan's voice had stopped until he felt a slight nudge on his arm and Khushi's expectant eyes looking at him, waiting for answers of her own.

"What was Karan talking about that you were searching on the computer?" he asked, staring at her intently and the grave expression in her eyes told him whatever he was going to hear wasn't going to be pretty, but he was ready for it. He had hired a private investigator to find out about Shyam's law firm, however he hadn't got much information in regards to that. Shyam was a lawyer, however as busy as Shyam made himself sound, Arnav had only been able to find out about two clients that he had and now he wondered if those were even legitimate. At that point, Arnav knew that there was something not right with Shyam. How come he was always travelling? How come he never took his Di with him? So what if he was gone for work, she could go with him.

"Remember the day you walked into my office and you accused me of watching p*rn because I was staring at the screen intently, well that day I decided to google Shyam Jha to see what kind of search results pop up. I didn't find much until I typed in his full name Shyam Manohar Jha". From there, she explained to him the information she had found out about Manohar Jha and his involvment with drugs in India a few years back.

"I was going to tell you that day but we left for our honeymoon right after and since I really didn't know if that was the right person or not, I didn't want to go around and play the blame game and accuse him of something I wasn't sure about".

Needing some time to digest everything, he moved closer to her and snaked his arms around her waist, resting his chin against her shoulder from behind. Her hands followed his and she wrapped her arms around his, leaning back against him, reassuring herself that everything would be ok. He was with her and that is all that mattered. They would find a way out of all this, but her heart went out to the woman sleeping in the room next door. How was Anjali Di going to react when she found out? Did she already know like Karan said?

"I had no idea Khushi and I don't think Di does either. She wouldn't keep quiet for these many years. I am sure she would have approached me or nani to discuss this. This isn't a small thing. The guy is as dangerous as a man can get" he told her, unconsciously tightening his arms around her even more. As much as he wanted to say more, explain more, he couldn't form the right words and he knew he didn't need to say more when she turned around and tightened her arms around him and buried her nose in his neck.

As much as he wanted to say he had no idea, he knew that wasn't the entire truth. There were signs that he ignored even though they were right in his face. Shyam's constant travelling, his Di's changed behavior. Even though Anjali was always the quiet and sweet girl, she was never unapproachable. Over the past couple of years, Arnav knew how hard it was to talk to her about anything, but he had thought of the reason to be something different altogether.

Flashback- 2 years ago

After working a 16 hour day, he entered the house as noiselessly as he could. Tiptoeing around, as if he was burglar in his own home, he looked around the house and sighed seeing all the lights off. Even though he knew it was past midnight and everybody was asleep, he was hoping Di would be up so that he could talk to her for a little bit while having his dinner. She didn't seem to be too well over the past few days and he hadn't had time to sit with her properly and ask her what was going on. He looked towards the dining table to see his plate covered with another. As hungry as he was, he grabbed the plate and put it back in the fridge, his appetite lost all of a sudden.

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