Chapter 10

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After a sleepless night, Arnav decided that there was no point in lying around so he decided to go take a shower...a cold shower. With both arms bracing the shower stall, he let the cold water run down his body. He hadn't been able to sleep a wink the whole night knowing she laying right beside him. He had even decided to go sleep in one of the guest rooms to just get away from her as her proximity had totally shaken him up. How could just the view of her naked back make him lose his sleep?

He had definitely seen more skin than that before... much more. A lot of their India bridal wear had dresses that were just held back with strings... sometimes even a single string but that never had his blood pounding in his ears. He could not believe his wife of two days could start driving him insane that fast.

Maybe its just because I haven't been with a girl in awhile... that was a logical answer. He hadn't had a girlfriend in over 4 years and maybe sharing a room with Khushi had reminded him that his testosterone levels were still intact. Actually that was a lie. He had been mesmerized by her the first time he had seen her despite knowing that she was Karan's fianc.

He clearly remembered her sitting in a white summer dress in one of the booths at the restaurant when he had first met her. The way she had looked up at him and smiled, something inside of him had stirred. He had seen pictures of her earlier on Karan's phone and facebook but the way she looked in person was something all together different. She had no trace of makeup on her face except for maybe some lip gloss and her hair was dead straight. No jewellery except for the glittering diamond on her left ring finger. That was the first time in life he had realized that he was almost jealous of Karan.

The way she moved her hands when she spoke, the way she wrinkled her nose when she didn't like something, the way her eyes would dilate when she was shocked by something she had heard... he hadn't missed any of it. After he had walked out of the restaurant, he had felt like a tool for feeling that way. She was his best friend's fianc. That was no way for him to be thinking of her but he didn't know how to control his thoughts. He had went back to that restaurant several times and each time he couldn't help but look back at the booth where he had seen her the first time.

She was beautiful and he had known that all along and how he was going to keep his hands to himself till she was comfortable around him, was beyond him.

Turing the faucet off, he stepped out of the shower feeling a lot better. As he walked out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped low around his waist, he got dressed to go back to work. Debating on whether he should wake her up and tell her he was leaving or let her sleep, he decided he will just message when he got work. He wasn't sure if he would have been able to concentrate if he went near her first thing in the morning and he definitely needed to catch up on some work.


Meanwhile Khushi woke up and as she lazily looked over at the clock, it was 11:30am.

"What the!" she screamed and jumped out of bed, frantically looked around. Arnav was missing. It was Monday so he probably went to work. She smiled thinking that he probably didn't wake her up so she could sleep but somewhere she was a little disappointed. She would have liked to at least say bye to him before he left. As she gingerly walked downstairs, she realized no one was home. Making herself some tea, she walked back to her room to grab her phone and noticed the four missed calls plus a message. Two calls were from Anjali di plus two from Arnav. Before calling them back she decided to check her messages and read the one from Arnav first:

'Hey sleepyhead! Wanna go for lunch today? I'll pick you up at 12'

She smiled reading the message and was about to read her message from Anjali di when she noticed the time.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now