Chapter 24

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How had she got through that flight? She had no idea, but she made it. With Arnav constantly either pulling her hair, or her earrings, he had annoyed the hell out of her and she wondered where did this kiddish behavior all of a sudden come from? Overall, he was a pretty serious man with occasional sarcastic remarks here and there but that was about it. All of a sudden his excitement seemed like he was going to Disneyland rather than on a tropical island or he was just plainly trying to annoy her, which actually kind of worked.

Finally they landed and after going through all sorts of security checks, they made their way to the gates and even thought it was nighttime, the heat and humidity hit them in the face hard. She took in the turquoise waters and white sands as their car zoomed past hotels, small local restaurants that were located along the shore and to say she was mesmerized was an understatement. She had been to places like Mexico and Hawaii before but something about Aruba was pleasantly different or maybe it was just her company...

She looked over at Arnav who was busy texting away on his phone. His brow was furrowed and she wondered how in hell he was going to survive seven days without his laptop, which he had ditched at the office. She asked him if everything was ok, and when he just nodded in response, she turned back around to enjoy the view. A few minutes later Khushi felt a tug on her hand and realized that they had reached their villa. Hand in hand they walked into the place that was going to be their home for the next few days and all Khushi could do was gape at the interiors.

"Moonh band karo Khushi..." she heard Arnav chuckle and realized that her jaw had literally dropped in the process. Giving him a glare, she left his hand and walked around the bed before plopping down on it and stared at the Oceanside through the French windows. With a sigh she half sat and half laid down and finally could feel her body relaxing. Working the full day, two hours at the airport and then an eight hour flight was just a bit too much for her and she closed her eyes in exhaustion. The next second, she felt the bed dip beside her and she opened her eyes to see Arnav leaning over her, smiling.

"Tired?" he asked despite knowing the answer and she barely nodded in response while trying to keep her eyes open now.

"Hungry?" she whispered while her own hand lifted and moved up to his face, slightly caressing the little dent under his eyebrow.

"Hmmm" he mumbled while his hand lifted to her face, caressing her cheekbone and then moving to the area under her eyes, noticing the tiredness.

"Should we order something?" she asked, all the while pushing herself up to go see where they could get food from when he leant a little more over her, blocking her way with his body.

"I don't need food" he whispered as he lowered his face and buried it in the crook of her neck. He shifted his body slightly so that he wasn't crushing her and felt her small hands move up his back, holding onto him. She wasn't sure how long they laid like that on the bed, with their shoes still on and in their work clothes which they both hadn't gotten a chance to change in the chaos. But her groggy mind registered the feel of his lips skimming her neck, while his hands which were under her back, moving lower towards her hips, pulling her closer.

She lightly groaned when she felt his lips move away and the warmth disappear from her neck but he didn't pull away. Gently, he rested his forehead against hers, breathing deeply. They stayed like that for a little while, her hands clutching his shirt while his kneaded her back slowly, loosening it up until Arnav moved his head and gently kissed the corner of her mouth. His lips grazed hers while he moved to the other side of her face and placed a kiss on the other corner of her mouth and she just sighed in response. His tenderness sparked something inside of her and before he could move towards the opposite side of her face again, her hand lifted to his nape and she pulled him closer to kiss him.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now