Chapter 7

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After about half an hour, Arnav looked down to see Khushi's face to check if she was still crying but her deep breaths told him that she had fallen asleep. He was about to get up and put her in bed when he realized she was clutching onto his shirt tightly. After debating for a few minutes on whether he should wake her up and tell her to change or just put her to bed like this, he decided against both. Holding onto her, he shifted on the bed till his back was against the headboard. Slowly grabbing the comforter he pulled it over both of them and resting his head against the back of the bed, his thoughts drifted back to everything.

Sometime during the pheras, Karan had messaged him after Arnav had sent him a few threatening messages however he didn't realize till they were on their drive back home.

"I am ok dude. I can't talk right now but don't worry. I need to sort some crap out. Is Khushi ok?" As much as that text relieved him knowing that Karan was ok, the last part made his blood boil. How did Karan just assume that she would be ok after what he did to her? His first thought was to message him back and tell him to meet him somewhere in the next two hours or so but when he had looked over at Khushi silently crying in the car, he forwarded the text to Karan's parents and deleted it.

He wasn't sure if what he had done was right or wrong. Karan was his best friend. When Karan's parents had moved from India, they had rented out their basement suite. Arnav was 2 and Karan was 1 at that time. Since then, both of them had went to all their schools together and finally parted ways when Karan decided to go to med school whereas Arnav had went for business. He was worried sick about Karan and wanted to know the reason he did this but he knew his priorities at this point had changed a bit.

What Karan did was unacceptable at any level. Even if Karan was dying, he should have been a man enough to come and talk to everyone and not run away from the situation. He should have given Khushi the option to choose and decide what she wanted to do rather than just dumping her out of his life.

His train of thought was interrupted when he felt Khushi slightly shift and make herself more comfortable. Every time she moved, her tikka kept scratching his neck and he knew he had to do something about it. Slowly, he pushed her dupatta aside and as he tried to take her tikka off which he realized was pinned down with atleast 5 to 7 pins...

What the...if it took that many pins to hold that small piece of jewellery, how many pins did she have in her head to hold that dupatta up... too scared of the answer, he slowly pulled the pins out and as he was about to remove the tikka, she shifted some more and found herself in a position which was too uncomfortable for her own liking.

Arnav's head was bent over and he was staring at the top of her head trying to remove her tikka... his forehead creased as he tried to take the pins out as slowly as he could, not knowing that he was actually pulling her hair out in the process.

"I'll do it.." she murmured while trying to pull the pins out and at the same time trying to move out of his lap. He wasn't sure if she realized what all her shifting in his lap had done to him.

Totally aware of his gaze on her, she slowly straightened up, apologized for falling asleep like that and asked him if it was ok if she could go change first. Not hearing a response as she didn't look at him while talking, she looked up at him to find him just nod his head and she hurriedly scurried off into the bathroom.

Locking the door, she stood staring at herself in the mirror and realized the blush that was creeping up on her face. She wasn't nave. She had noticed how Arnav's body was responding to her closeness and how he had shifted uncomfortably as his hardness was pressing against her trying to adjust himself. She was mature enough to know that something like that was ok. He was a man afterall and she couldn't blame him but what had shocked her was her own response as she could feel her face getting hot and her heart starting to beat a little faster than normal while he was just sitting there, taking off her tikka.

Get your mind out of the gutter! she told herself.

Too tired to shower, she took off her makeup and changed and walked back in to the room with her hair still in a bun and her jewellery on.

"you can use the bathroom if you want now" she smiled at him and walked over to the dresser to remove her jewellery. As she was taking her jewellery off, she realized she was in his room and somehow she didn't feel uncomfortable. Even though she hadn't been in here before, the room had a nice warm feel to it. After finishing with the jewellery and putting it away safely, she took a deep breath and started the work on her hair bun. One after another as she kept pulling out the pins, she realized that there were atleast over 50 pins that she had taken out and still doubt that to go.

This is crazy she thought as she decided to bring her arms down to give them some rest as they felt sore from being lifted for this long. As she pulled her head down to give it some rest and moved it back up, she noticed Arnav standing right behind her and she almost screamed seeing him through the mirror.

"What the! You scared the crap out of me..." she replied while trying to control her heartbeat. God this guy knew how to get her heart racing she thought... did he put up the temperature in the room because all of a sudden she was starting to feel hot all over again...

Get your mind out of the gutter! screamed her inner voice at her again.

Going back to her task of removing the hair pins, she looked up to see his mouth hanging open.

"What the! Did you take all those pins out of your head?" he asked looking at her with an almost disgusted face as if she had caught some sort of a disease.

"Uhh yaaa... unless you had bobby pins lying around on your dresser before, which I wouldn't want to know why you would ... these have all been pulled out of my hair" she replied calmly.

"Jeez, that must be a pain.." and without thinking he started pulling out some more of the pins from her head. Both quietly completed the task together, forgetting about the awkwardness of their situation from earlier on. If someone would see them, they just looked like a normal couple.

Just as all the pins came out and Khushi combed her fingers through her hair, she took out the fake bun that the makeup artist had put in to keep her heavy duppatta secure on her head.

"Ewww... whats that" Arnav pointed at the fake hair bun that was lying now on the dressing table.

"What do you mean ewww... its just a fake bun that girls put in their hair on their wedding day in order to keep their dupatta on their head... it just helps... and aren't you like the CEO of a fashion group? You should know about these kinda things no?" and before she could explain a little more to him, she almost laughed looking at that unsure look on his face.

"I only look at the final product... I rather not see all the fakeness that goes into making all the models pretty... better from far" he replied winking at her and her heart melted seeing that boyish grin.

Realizing how late it already was, he moved away from the dressing table and started heading towards the bed and sat down on the left side. "I hope your ok to sleep on the right side" and she just nodded. Not knowing how else to kill time, she quietly walked up to the bed and laid down on the right side. She kept moving closer to the edge of the bed trying to create as much distance as she could between them and tried to fall asleep. As she laid there barely breathing, trying not to create any noise, she could feel him straightening on the bed and then


She fell onto the floor. No wait, he pushed her onto the floor! Getting up angrily, she sat on the bed facing him waiting for an explanation while he doubled over with laughter.

"Jesus Khushi.. main tumhe khaa thode naa jaaoogna... sleep properly" was all he said and still laughing, he turned over to sleep on his side while she quietly laid back down.

Jerk! She was not going to let him get away with this!

Hi Guys! So here is part 7. Let me know what you think. Have a good weekend everyone! I will send out PM's shortly.Pinki

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