Chapter 27

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Khushi languidly stretched, feeling each and every bone of hers ache but she smiled despite it all. Arnav was sprawled on his side of the bed, on his stomach, snoring slightly. Deciding to give him some more time to sleep, she slowly got up and made her way towards the bathroom.

After spending about an hour under the shower, her muscles finally loosened and her thoughts drifted back to the whole week. She couldn't remember much of what they had done except for the obvious- make love all day and night. For the first two days, Arnav didn't even let her leave the place and held her captive in their villa- torturing her till she begged for mercy each time around. How in hell had he controlled himself over these past few months? She had no idea because he didn't seem to be able to keep his hands to himself anymore. He touched her gently, passionately, and sometimes with such raw desire, that she thought she would shatter in his arms.

He was slowly helping her overcome her shyness and feel like a woman; showing her the power she held over him. Sweet words, gestures, words of encouragement- he used everything to show her what she could do to him and how to respond to her own body and his. And now, it was their last day there and she couldn't help but feel a little sad. Not that they wouldn't be spending time together when they got back. In that case, they were a truly blessed couple who got to spend their whole day and night together.

Since, it was their last day, she had finally convinced him last night to take her around the island, which wasn't a task as easy as it sounded. He had tried to talk her out of it, kiss her out of it but she didn't budge. What was she going to tell everybody when they went back? Screw telling things- what the hell were they gonna say once everyone asked them to see some pictures of them? Unfortunately, they hadn't taken a single one. While she had ranted, raved and complained to him last night that it was all due to his laziness, he had just stared at her with a smiling tugging the corner of his lips and she knew exactly how to wipe that off- she slapped him across his arm but that hadn't turned out to be such a good idea.

He had picked her up and thrown her on their bed and tickled her till she said that they didn't have to go anywhere and that they would spend their last night locked up in their villa again- just like every other day but she didn't budge. If he was stubborn, so was she. Finally, he had told her that if anybody questions as to why they hadn't taken any pictures at all, he would deal with that person and when she had exactly asked him what he was going to say just so that his story matched hers, his response dropped her jaw: "Our hands were too preoccupied with other things to deal with a camera in there- plus if we did end up taking a picture, it wasn't going to be a pretty site for anybody except us".

That had got him a slap across his other arm this time.

Now, she walked around the bed and picked up her cell phone to see if she had any calls and noticed another text message- from Karan again, received about five minutes ago.

'Khushi your life is in danger. This is serious. Call me back'

She stared at the message for a bit and realized she had forgot about Karan's original message and everything about Shyam Jha or should she call him Manohar Jha- she wasn't too sure. Maybe I should message him back, she thought but before she could reply, Arnav stirred. She was about to delete the message as she didn't want Arnav seeing it; knowing fully well that her husband would turn Karan's world upside down but instead of opening his eyes, he turned on his side and went back to sleep. Knowing that he probably wasn't going to get up right away, she got back to her phone to message Karan.

'Hello Karan. How can I help you'she messaged back and waited with a bated breath, praying that he wouldn't call her back as she was in no mood to talk to that man but she breathed in relief when her phone beeped back.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now