Chapter 23

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She sat on her chair, still a bit dazed at his response. Her husband was way too blunt sometimes for his own good! Even though he didn't say much, whatever he said left her either embarrassed or elated- ok maybe that was a weird combination' Of everything that he could think of, he thought she was watching a bunch of people doing it? Seriously!

She looked at the time on her desktop and realized they only had around five hours before they would have to make it to the airport. Did her husband arrange all this? That didn't seem to make sense since the confirmation email was sent from her mom's e-mail account, which meant her parents must have booked everything. Deciding to solve this mystery the easy way and to thank them, she picked up the phone and called her mom.

After an hour of catching up on the whole town's gossip, she hung up the phone and her eyes looked up at the man, sitting on the other side of the glass wall, frantically typing something on his laptop while his mouth moving just as fast on the phone. She smiled at the sight in front of her. He had done all this so that they could go away for a while. Actually cross that- he had done this so that they could both go visit her parents and stay with them for awhile. Her heart fluttered madly, her thoughts running back to the past couple of months. Arnav marrying her, Arnav accompanying her to her parents' house, Arnav bringing her to work with him everyday, Arnav helping her when she was hurt. It had only been a couple of days ago when he had told her that he loved her but for some reason, it felt like forever. Maybe it was because she had always been able to see the love shining in his eyes when he was around her. She wasn't ignorant to not notice when his body language had changed around her. Perhaps, it was almost a few days after they had got married. The day she had got stabbed?

She knew it was normal for him to be frantic over what had happened that day however, since that day, she had noticed the change in him. If she was in physical pain, she could see him go through the mental torture himself. If she was restless at night, he would stay up till she could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness. He may not say much to her, but his actions spoke louder than words. Above all, she couldn't believe he had decided to drop everything for a week just to go stay with her family. He barely even spent that much time with his own family. His bonding time with his own family was mainly at dinner time on the dining table which lasted for about an hour or so. After that, he got back to his own life, and so did everyone else. His Nani was a huge devotee and she spent most of her time praying or going for long walks, trying to keep herself active. If she had spare time, it was spent either in the kitchen cooking something or catching up with their relatives in India and the rest of the world.

The only person that was a bit of a mystery was his sister. Khushi wasn't too sure what she did all day. Her and Shyam didn't have any kids, Anjali didn't work and in a western country, there wasn't as much house work to do as there was in India, where you had to clean almost every day. She had never really heard about any of Anjali's friends and she didn't seem to have much of a social circle. Infact, when Khushi was going through her bank and credit card statements, she realized that Anjali didn't even spend much except on her clothing. She was a designer freak for western wear and her Indian wear was just as expense. There was rarely any coffee, restaurant or other activity charges. Maybe, I should stay home one day with Anjali Di to see what she does... Who knows, I might get used to the easy life, she laughed inwardly at her own thoughts, even though she knew she would never be able to do it.

Maybe after we have kids, she thought and her eyes roamed over Arnav's face. But to have kids, there is a process involved which requires a bit of work; she thought amusedly even though her heart knew that it wouldn't take much to cross that barrier. He didn't even have to touch her to make her feel all fuzzy and she wondered if that was how people in love felt. She was never the mushy mushy kind and to her love was all about honesty, trust, respect and understanding between two people which she knew they both had achieved in their relationship.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now