Chapter 26 (Mature)

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If your heart could burst from happiness, Arnav knew this was his moment. Even though it had only been a few months since they had been married, it felt like he had waited ages for this moment- for her to tell him what she felt and he knew he would never get tired of hearing it.

"Say that again..." was all he could whisper as he wiped away the tears that rolled down her cheeks and he pulled her closer to him.

"I love you..." She whispered again, against his neck and he pulled her body into his, holding her tight, savouring the moment. As he looked up at the sky, the moon seemed brighter and the twinkling stars seemed like they were winking at him, celebrating the moment.

"I love you" he mumbled in her hair as she tucked her face further into the curve of his neck, breathing in his scent.

How long did they sit there, on the beach, all alone with the darkness engulfing them? He didn't know and it didn't seem to matter. Gently he laid down on the sand and pulled her down with him and she obliged. Side by side they laid, on the wet sand, looking into each others eyes, content with life. Arnav moved first and in a flash, his face hovered over hers. His eyes were dark with desire and his hand moved up to her face, caressing it gently. Her eyes slowly opened and she knew this was it. Looping her arms around his neck, she pulled her face closer to his and kissed him.

Her lips shyly moved against his while his hands moved down to her knees and he slowly pulled the dress up, over her thighs and bundled it up at her stomach. He played with the lace that hugged her curves and not being able to wait any longer, he pulled it down while she waited with an anticipated breath for his next move. He wasn't sure if her sigh was that of relief or if she was surprised at the invasion of his hands on her private flesh, but it didn't matter. She was his and nobody could change that fact and he was just going to show her that.

His fingers touched her gently at first and then a little more firmly. Adjusting himself over her, he lowered himself but before he could make her feel the effect she had over him, he felt her slow, hesitant fingers playing with the brim of his shorts before her hands slowly moved inside. Grabbing his hips, she pulled him down to position him between her legs. He gasped, while his eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of her soft hands, touching him so intimately.

"Khushi..." he barely whispered her name. Her hips moved intimately against his and he knew if she didn't stop now, he wasn't going to be able to control himself. As much as he enjoyed what she was doing to him, he wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing before they moved on.

"Sweetheart... Look at me" he croaked out as his hands moved up to cup her face, but she didn't open her eyes, too scared and embarassed that he would be able to see her desire so bold for him.

"Baby please..." He whispered again and this time, she opened her eyes slowly.

"Are you sure?" was all he asked and waited with a bated breath for an answer. If she said no, he was going to back off and give her some time but before he could think of how he was going to keep his hands off her, she nodded her head in a yes, kissing his cheek. That was all the confirmation he needed before his fingers moved down her face, over her neck and halting at the brim of her dress. Her chest heaved in anticipation and when he couldn't wait any longer, he pulled it down, baring her upper body to his eyes while his hands roamed down to feel her thighs, her dress now fully bunched around her waist.

"You're so beautiful..." He mumbled as his fingers traced her swells, learning the curves. His thumb traced the dark mole on the side before he moved it to the centre of her swell and noticed the bud instantly tighten. Not resisting any longer, his fingers got replaced with his mouth, tracing the outline with his lips before he opened his mouth and took in the tightened bud.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now