Chapter 12

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He had no idea how long they stood like that but he slightly jerked when he felt something wet on his neck and realized she was silently crying. Not knowing if she was crying because of what had happened or because he had just yelled at her, he felt like a jerk for losing his control. He needed to keep his anger in check and work on his language he realized. He was living with a woman now and it was disrespectful for him to be swearing like that, let alone swear about something she was involved in.

The fear of something happening to her gripped him so tight that he wanted to either pull his hair out or punch something. For now he realized he just needed to hold her and the way she was holding onto his shirt, he knew she wanted the same. He slowly moved his hand downwards but stopped before he could reach the bandaged area.

As she felt his hands rubbing her back and slightly move downwards, she grabbed fistfulls of his shirt and shut her eyes waiting for his hands to reach the bandaged area which was starting to throb now as she realized the painkillers that she was given at the hospital was starting to wear off.

Her slight trembling pulled him out of his reverie and he realized that she was wearing a thin tshirt that he grabbed for her from the hospital store and the same skirt. He slightly moved his face away from hers and looked at her. Her eyes were tightly shut and her lips were trembling. She looked a lot paler than she usually was. He slowly lifted his right hand and brushed his thumb across her cheekbone waiting for her to open her eyes.

Feeling the butterfly touch on her cheek she opened her eyes and looked into his apologetic ones and before she could say something, he placed his finger on her lips to stop her from saying anything.

"I am sorry.. God, you have no idea how sorry i am. There was no way i was going to stand around if i had any idea that he had knife to your back"

As she tried to interrupt him form saying anything more, the look in his eyes stopped her.

"You are my responsibility and I feel like I let you down today. This shouldnt have happened. I just didn't want to do anything stupid just incase..." And before he could complete his sentence she completed it for him

"Incase they would have shot you and taken me away" as one of the guys had a gun she remembered. Noticing the shocked look on his face, she tiredly smiled.

"This wasn't a hindi movie where you could have taken five armed guys down. Until you were standing infront of me, I knew nothing would happen to me and now those darn painkillers are wearing off and I can't stand anymore" she completed trying to slightly grin at him and lighten the atmosphere around them.

The next minute she was in his arms and telling her he would be right back, he ran to the kitchen and grabbed some water for her. Giving her the painkillers the doctor had given to them, he walked towards the closet to get her night clothes. Looking through them, he decided to grab one of the cotton buttonup shirts as he knew that would be easier for her to put on and take off if she needed to.

As he handed her the clothes, it dawned on him that she probably wouldnt be able to change as her knees couldnt bend and the bandage which was wrapped around her back and stomach wouldnt let her move her upper body much. She looked at him a little apprehensively waiting for him to leave the room so she could change as she was too tired to go to the bathroom but instead of walking out the door, he locked the door and walked back towards her.

"Here I'll help you" he told her as he moved his hands towards the hem of her shirt.

"No I can do it.. Dont worry" she told him and thinking he would move away she tried to pull her first arm out of her shirt but in the process pulled her back and scrunched her face in pain.

Let's fall in love (Story By PINKI)Where stories live. Discover now