Chapter 6

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Nobody's POV

After a weepy farewell, Khushi found herself sitting in the backseat of her husband's car with his jijaji, Shyam, driving and his sister, Anjali, sitting in the front. She looked back through the window till she couldn't see her parents anymore and she blinked at the tears furiously so that she could see them but as the car rounded the corner, she couldn't see anyone anymore. Slowly straightening up, she silently cried.

Cried for what she left behind, cried for the cruel game fate played with her.

She was fully aware of Arnav's gaze on her but she kept looking outside her side of the window so he couldn't see her face. She didn't want him to see her crying like this. After all, this is what life was like for women. One day they are all expected to leave everything behind and start afresh.

As she brought her hands up to wipe her tears again, she found Arnav holding a tissue box infront of her face. Muttering a low thanks, she took a few and wiped her face.

"Are you ok Khushi? Do you want to stop for water or anything?" Anjali slowly inquired trying to break the silence in the car. She could hear Khushi's sniffles and the constant noise that her hand jewellery was making as she kept bringing her hand up to wipe her face. She also noticed how stiff and helpless Arnav looked.

He definitely doesn't know how to cheer up a girl, Anjali mused.

Knowing the circumstances that everything happened in, Anjali decided that she needed to do something to atleast get these two talking to each other. She remembered when she had got married, how her husband had kept his one arm around her and the other one was holding her hand the whole drive till they reached their house. How he had kept asking her if she needed anything and tried to get her to talk fully knowing how hard it was on her to leave her family behind.

"I am ok, thank you" Khushi replied politely wondering what he called his sister' by her name? didi? What should she call her? That's when everything started slowly sinking in. She had no idea about this family at all. She had met Karan's enough times to even know his extended family. Now as she saw Karan's parents car behind theirs, she realized Arnav's grandma was sitting with them in their car, which meant they were probably going to come over. They were also probably discussing everything that happened. She didn't even know if Arnav's grandma approved of her or not. The only thing she really knew about Arnav's family was that his parents had died in a car accident.

She realized she didn't want to see Karan's parents. After everything that had happened, she just wanted to go hide in blanket and end the day. Wake up tomorrow and see what she needed to do.

As she closed her eyes and leaned her head back knowing they still had about an hour in their drive, she replayed the whole day's events. Why had she agreed to marry Arnav? That was the biggest question she couldn't answer. She wasn't the kind of girl who was helpless and needed a man in her life. Just because she got ditched at her alter didn't mean that the only way for her to be able to get out of it was to marry her to be husbands best friend.

That definitely doesn't sound good she realized.

Did she do it to get back to Karan? She wasn't sure. If there was anything she had a lot of, that was temper. She didn't get mad at people very often, but if she did, she knew she had it in her to ruin a person's life. But in this case, if anybody was to get ruined, it was her. Not Karan. If anybody was to suffer in this relationship, it was her and Arnav.

Why did Arnav marry her? That was the second question she couldn't answer. Even though he most likely would have done it out of sympathy, she knew he understood what he was getting himself into. He wasn't an emotional fool.

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