Chapter 17

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The moment Arnav felt Khushi relax, his control slipped. His hands moved down to her thighs and he pulled her closer to him, almost wrapping her legs around his waist. He kissed her till they both couldn't breathe and when he moved his lips away from hers to let her breath a little, his lips lingered on her cheeks, placing soft kisses around her face, hoping this moment could last forever. She was so soft and pliant and he had no idea how he had waited this long.

He trailed kisses down her face, onto her chin and as he placed a light kiss in the hollow of her neck, she softly moaned and moved her head back, giving him more access to her neck as she grabbed fistfuls of his hair. Instead, his nose trailed from her neck, up her chin and onto her right cheek and his breath caught in his throat when she moved her face brushing her lips against his. His lips caught hers again and when he finally found her responding back, he slowed down, letting her take control.

Khushi felt as if she was flying. Her body felt as light as a feather even though the pounding in her ears made her feel like her head was too heavy. He smelled so fresh and clean and even though a part of her brain told her to stop, her hands and lips didn't cooperate. She felt him slowing down and when her hazy brain registered that, she almost pulled back but he held her head steady and she could feel him slightly shaking. Hesitantly, she opened her eyes and tried focusing on his face. He was breathing hard, his eyes hooded, his hair ruffled and as she tried to pull away again, he pulled her back and slammed his lips hard against hers this time. She gasped in his mouth and his tongue slipped in, tasting her. The next instant, he grabbed her thighs, lifted her off the table and instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked out of the kitchen towards the couches. He fell back on the recliner, with her legs still wrapped around his waist and she could feel his hardness against her bottom now. Shocked and scared, she opened her eyes and tried pulling herself off him when his one had gripped the back of her neck and the other held onto her lower back, stopping her from moving.

"No..." he whispered looking into her eyes. As much as he knew that he should just back off now, he didn't. Instead he looked at her, and when she stopped moving, his hand moved forward to cup her face and he lightly ran his thumb over her lip, noticing it slightly tremble. He pressed his thumb against it a little harder, stopping the trembling. His gaze fixed on her face.

"Can I kiss you some more?" he asked huskily and when she didn't respond, he took it as a yes and kissed her again a little more urgently this time. His hand that rested on her lower back now moved to the hem of her shirt and he played with it for awhile before he slipped his hand underneath. He lightly traced her lower back while his lips and tongue continued to assault her senses. A while later, his lips moved away from hers and he looked into her eyes as his hand traced her lower back and slowly moved up her spine. She sat on top of him, breathing heavily with her eyes closed tightly.

"Do you want me stop" he asked her gently as his hand rested just below her clasp and he slowly traced his hand back down but she didn't move or open her eyes.

"Bolo Khushi..." he probed again and she opened her eyes looking at him a little unsurely. Did she want him to stop? She didn't know. Did she want him to continue? She didn't know about that either. These feelings that he was stirring in her were not in her control and as much as her body wanted this to continue, she knew they shouldn't. She quietly sat on top of him, her eyes lowered, cheeks flushed, chest heaving, hair falling out of her ponytail and her hands clutching his shoulders. He gently fixed her hair up and caressed her warm cheeks.

"Are you ok?" he asked and she nodded her head shyly, her eyes now looking everywhere except towards him. Cupping her cheek, he steadied her face and waited for her to look at him and when she did, his heart warmed. She looked almost unsure and embarrassed and all of a sudden reality hit him hard. She had never been kissed before! Her hesitant response, her unsure looks and something about the way she was sitting and looking at him now, he realized just how innocent and inexperienced his wife was. As tough as she was from the exterior, she was just as unsure about her feminine side. He had had his fair share of relationships and even though he knew Karan was her first, they had been in a relationship long enough that they could have take things further and he had no problems with that. We were all humans with primal needs and he wasn't the kind to think that it was ok for a guy to be physically involved with someone before marriage but his wife couldn't have been. However, something about knowing that she hadn't been with anyone before and that he was her first, made his heart swell. As he looked back at her, she sat with her hands now holding onto the sides of his shirt, her head lowered.

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