Chapter 21

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With trembling hands, Khushi pulled the scrunched up piece of paper out of her purse and laid it down on her desk. She looked up once again towards Arnav but he was busy and she decided to read the letter, which could either ruin her life or pull it together.


I am not sure where to start. Should I start by apologizing for what I did to you? Or should I thank you for everything you gave me so selflessly? I don't know.

I see you almost every day Khushi. Sometime's when you walk into the building, sometimes when you go grab lunch and you have no idea how much it hurts to see Arnav at your side when I knew it could have been me. It should have been me. There was no question to that. So how could I have been so stupid to throw it all away? I know you probably ask yourself that question too. How could I have given up all that in a split second?

I didn't do it on purpose Khushi. I was tricked into it. On the morning of our wedding, I got a message from some girl and she told me she was pregnant with our child. I had no idea who this girl was so I thought she was bluffing but as I messaged her back telling her she had the wrong person, she told me she met me on my stag. She knew everything about you and threatened to create a scene at our wedding if I didn't meet her.

I panicked and that was my mistake. I should have told someone what was happening but I didn't know what to do. I knew she was lying and I should have told someone but I lost the ability to think at that time and I ran away like a coward. At that point, I couldn't imagine hurting mine and your family's reputation, but I guess, I did it regardless. I don't know what I expected from you. Maybe you would wait for me? Maybe you would try to find me before marrying someone else? Given me a chance to explain everything before throwing me out of your life?

The Khushi I knew would have done that. She would have demanded answers. The strong headed, independent Khushi that I knew wouldn't have signed her life away to my best friend! To a man she didn't really know or love. My Khushi would have waited- not to accept me back into her life, but atleast to clear everything up before moving on. We had put three years of our life to build this relationship Khushi and I guess it all got chucked away like some garbage.

I left the mandap that day and went to meet this girl. Just to clear everything up. I could have waited to deal with it all till the wedding was over; I could have just told you all about it after that, but I didn't. Your respect means a lot to me Khushi and I would have never done that to you.

However, the girl never showed up and at that point I realized it was all a ploy. This girl had your phone number and all the details about our wedding. How could she have got all that? She must have got all that information from somewhere; more like from someone that knew all the details and was with me on my stag. Who would have not wanted us to get married? Who would benefit from keeping you and me apart?

I won't say more than that. You're a smart girl Khushi and I leave that to you to figure out.

Her fingers shook as she put the letter down, her mind in chaos. She read it twice more to make sure she didn't miss anything and her heart constricted thinking about the possibilities. How did her simple life become so dramatic?

Karan had supposedly been tricked, in not marrying her. Shyam, on the other hand was trying to scare her about something she wasn't too sure about. Her husband had just told her the night before that he was in love with her. Too much had occurred overnight and the next second, her stomach churned and she put a hand over her mouth, dashing towards the bathrooms.

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