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he smirked and came closer to my face. "but i do have an idea of what to do with you." i could feel his warm breath tickling my lips.

"and what's that?" i asked in a monotone voice.

"oh you're so enthusiastic, aren't you," he replied in the same tone of voice with sarcasm.

"yeah, sure. and why the idea you were talking about?"

"you could be my sex toy–"

"oh haha! you're so funny! but i think i'm good for now though."

he laughed dryly. "oh, honey, i wasn't kidding."


i looked down and cursed myself.

"shit i left my music playing too..." i mumbled to myself.

"hmm?" he asked with a smirk.

"i said i left my music playing at home!" i raised my voice. 

"darn... well," he shrugged, "guess you won't be able to turn it off anytime soon."


he made a fake offended noise and backed up. "ouch! rude much?"

"sucks to be you i guess."

"enough." he turned serious. "i'm done with you doing... this." he moved his hand and fingers around pointing at me. i groaned, "fun hater."

"oh? you think this is fun?"

"well not exactly fun–"



he went behind me and ripped the rope off my wrists but kept my legs tied up. "you seem like i can trust you enough."

"finally..." i rubbed my wrists lightly.

"if you're gonna act like that then i'll just tie you back up."

"no i'm good," i pulled out my phone. "do you have wifi?"


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