|thirty one|

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"i'm yuta," he said, walking up to me and bowing. him and taeyong had been in the middle of a conversation and taeyong glared at me. yuta took my hand in his. "how are you?"

"pretty... good," i told him, sounding more like a question since i was confused. who was he?

he kissed the back of my hand. "glad to hear."

"...yeah. ok," i took my hand away. "who are you?"

"your future boyfriend," he teased, standing up straight and winking. he held one of his hands in the other in front of himself.

"not gonna happen."

he frowned. "don't worry. i wont be like meanie little taeyong over here," he whispered and pointed his thumb back to taeyong. he smiled again.

i laughed a little. "just don't be a bitch," i whispered back.

he threw his head back and laughed. "there's no need to worry about that."

"ahem," taeyong coughed into his hand. "back to business, yuta."

"right, sorry. i just had to talk to this beautiful woman over here," he winked at me again. i blushed and looked down. honestly, he was good looking.

yuta turned back to taeyong who continued talking about something or other as i walked into the kitchen.

"hi!" winwin smiled when he saw me. he closed the fridge. "are you hungry?"

"not really," i responded. i wasnt sure why i had even entered the kitchen.

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