|thirty nine|

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yuta hugged me back. "anything for a beautiful woman."

"jesus christ shut up."

he pulled back, holding my shoulders and pouted cutely. "come on, im justing speaking the truth..."

"more like youre just speaking in lies."

yuta leaned in to kiss my forehead. i stayed still, hoping it would be over with quickly but he kissed my lips instead. i held back a smile and kissed him back.

"now come on, get washed up."

he left after giving me a peck on my hand and closed the door behind him. i turned on the bath water and waited for it to warm up.

ok so h1
i didnt really have any ideas for this since ive mostly been updated pmoys? and ex (sequel to bestfriend) which you guys should t0taLLy reAd lmao

plz i need ideas for chapter 40 oof

bYe ❤

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