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"okay but seriously," i looked back to jaehyun. "do you guys have wifi."

"yeah!" the third man chirped happily, "be right back!"

johnny shook his head. "aish, this kid."

the lights flicked on as the boy looked around a desk for something.

a fourth, who had red hair, walked in. were they all wearing the same thing?

"why are the lights on?" he asked in a serious tone. "was it winwin?" he looked around to see said boy still looking for something.

"i'm looking for something!" winwin told.

the fourth glanced at me with a disgusted look, "i swear winwin if what you're looking for is for her–"

"found it!" winwin brought over a wifi router, showing the password.

"why are you giving her the wifi password?" he demanded, walking over with arms crossed.

"who's using my wifi?!" someone screamed.

"she asked if we did," johnny informed the red haired man.

he squinted his eyes. "so? what has she done to earn it?"

earn it?

"what do you mean 'earn it,'" i spoke.

"did i say you could talk?" he snapped.

"god..." i muttered while i finished typing in the password. i thanked winwin and he nodded with a smile.

"she's been a smartass but not a bitch," jaehyun shrugged. "it seems we can trust her."

red hair face palmed. "every single time jaehyun!"

"she's more trustworthy than any of the other girls we've brought, taeyong, jesus christ. cut her some slack!" johnny backed up. i glanced at him and he gave a wink.

taeyong groaned. "whatever." and walked away down the corridor he came from.

"who's using my wifi–"

"shut up ten!" johnny shouted as said male came running to the open room.

"oh hey," ten said as he sat down at the desk winwin set the wifi router back onto. "nevermind she seems cool."

"thanks i guess?" i replied.

"angel voice who!" winwin smiled brightly.

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