|fourty six|

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after dying our hair in a convenience store bathroom, yuta and i headed off to somewhere with backpacks full of supplies, snacks, and water.

"where are we even going?" i asked, looking over to yuta.

"somewhere..." he sighed. "away from taeyong. i should've told you sooner, should i have, huh? im sorry i didn't."

"about what? running away or being a hitman?"

"the hitman stuff. you would've been happier living back in the warehouse with them, wouldn't you?"

"no! i fucking hated it there. and you know, taeyong almost raped me. fun, right?"

yuta nodded hesitantly. "i could've taken taeyong out. johnny as the new leader, firing me... you would've been happier."

i shook my head. "i have a tattoo of the bird johnny said people would know i belonged to them. i don't want to belong to them. then doyoung just had to buy me slutty clothes that i felt uncomfortable in. taeyong almost raped me because my shirt was too short when it was mark's shirt! jesus christ..."

"what am i doing then? what impact on your life am i leaving?"

"a good one. a big one that i appreciate because you're the only person i like. ive hated plenty of others in my life. i was glad at first to be taken away from my home but they just made it worse. taeyong especially. they should've just left me. i would be better off dead anyways..." i mumbled the last few sentences under my breath.

i sighed. "yuta..."

he turned his head to look at me with a curious expression. "yea?"

i met his eyes. "i... i like you. i have since i saw you— but— i know you probably don't like me back and the kisses and things were meaningless and the pet names were nothing, but i really do. my fat ass doesn't deserve such a great person like you, yuta. and i want you to know that you meant something."

he blushed slightly. "but, wh—what are you talking about? what do you mean i meant something?"

"i mean that you're a great person, yuta. i couldn't ask for anyone better. i don't deserve you."


"im sorry you had to spend your time and money on me. i didn't need it. i didn't need to be saved," we were walking on a bridge high above water. the bridge was empty as the road led into a forest. i stopped walking and dropped my bag.

i held onto yuta when he stopped.

"yuta, promise you'll do something great. do something great and find someone to love and forget about me. i don't need it. i want you to continue on with an amazing life and i want you to be happy. promise me, yuta—"

"i–i cant," he held onto my arms as i held onto his shoulders. "i can't live without you. i don't want to live without you."

tears started to stream down my face. "yuta, please! do something, anything! you didn't need me..."

tears fell down his face too and he hugged me. the pain on my back didn't matter and i pulled away fiercely.

yuta stood, wiping his tears with the back of his hand angerily while i walked to the side of the bridge.

"dae, please," he begged, stepping closer. "don't leave me, please, i–i need you—"

"yuta," i stood on the railing. "i love you." i pushed myself off backwards and yuta ran to the railing, looking over. i reached my hand up and smiled to him while the tears kept falling. everything felt as in slow motion and he jumped after me. we still had time before hitting the water when he hugged me mid air.

"at least let me kiss you before you go," he whispered in my ear before pressing his lips onto mine.

time came back to itself and my back hit the water hard. my body was engulfed with water and it filled my nose and lungs and i coughed which made it worse. yuta was still hugging himself as close as he could to me and our lips were still together.

i couldn't feel anything. then everything turned black.

the end.

this wasnt my original idea for the ending but i really like this one but yall might not it's ok—

my original idea was after yuta said they were running away she woke up and mark was sleeping next to her. yuta and taeyong were in the main room talking. she accidentally walked in on their conversation as she looked for the kitchen to get some water. yuta took her to the basement of the warehouse and killed her.


so i came up with (more like google did) with her name to be dae. it means "the great one; shining" which to yuta she was his sun, his star, she was the light in his life.

also im gonna do an ask nct hehe cANT CONTROL ME—

❤ u a whole lot uwu

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