|thirty two|

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"ok," he replied. "but your outfit is nice," he complimented, pointing.

"oh, uh, thanks," i said, scratching the back of my neck. it was embarrassing at how innocent he seemed though i was wearing show-y clothes.

he nodded and smiled. "hey! we should do something!"

"like what? there's not much to do," i pointed out.

"of course there is! come with me," he led me back to his room and into his closet. he pulled the chain hanging from the light switch and i could see a door leading up into an attic.

"taeyong doesn't know about this i don't think," he whispered. he pulled the ladder down and motioned me to go up. in the attic, fairy lights were strung all around the room in on long line just before the walls meet the ceiling. there were bean bag chairs, short tables, and tons of drawing supplies.

"this is... beautiful," i said in awe. the room was dim with the fairy lights being the only source of light.

vanilla scented candles were lit on a few tables and the entire room was cozy. i loved it.

"or maybe taeyong does know about this," he thought aloud. "i'm not sure."

i nodded and continued looking around. the carpet was very fluffy and there were some stuffed animals scattered here and there along with pillows (it's for the aesthetic ok).

@chloeshaaaa hERE MY CHILD

gAHhh tHaNk yOu sO mUcH fOr aLmOsT 1K rEaDs oMG
luv u all ❤

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